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react-native-bottomsheet is a cross-platform ActionSheet for both Android and iOS.

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react-native-bottomsheet is a cross-platform ActionSheet for both Android and iOS. It uses original ActionSheet on iOS and soarcn BottomSheet on Android with some minor fixes, such as title and list item margins.

Update: The library now uses a pre-compiled binary of a fork of above BottomSheet library. It should be compatible with projects using AndroidX as of now.

Note: On Android, message property is not available. Instead, there's a dark option to turn on Dark Mode like so:

BottomSheet.showBottomSheetWithOptions({   options: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],   title: 'Demo Bottom Sheet',   dark: true,   cancelButtonIndex: 3, }, (value) => {   alert(value); });


First, install the npm package:

npm install --save react-native-bottomsheet

Then link the native module, since we are using native bottom sheet on Android:

react-native link react-native-bottomsheet

Or you can link it manually in MainApplication.java

import com.clipsub.rnbottomsheet.RNBottomSheetPackage; // Import this  .... @Override protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {   return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(        new RNBottomSheetPackage() // Add this    ); }


Import the package

import BottomSheet from 'react-native-bottomsheet';

Use it like how you do with ActionSheet.

BottomSheet.showBottomSheetWithOptions(options: Object, callback: Function) BottomSheet.showShareBottomSheetWithOptions(options: Object, failureCallback: Function, successCallback: Function)


import BottomSheet from 'react-native-bottomsheet'; ... BottomSheet.showBottomSheetWithOptions({   options: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],   title: 'Demo Bottom Sheet',   dark: true,   cancelButtonIndex: 3, }, (value) => {   alert(value); });
BottomSheet.showShareBottomSheetWithOptions({   url: 'https://google.com',   subject: 'Share',   message: 'Simple share', }, (value) => {   alert(value); }, (resultcode, path) => {   alert(resultcode);   alert(path); })

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