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Just another React Native Action Sheet Component created for both iOS & Android. Installation: # Yarn yarn add react-native-action-sheet-component # NPM $ npm install react-native-action-sheet-component Preview:

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React Native Action Sheet Component

React Native Action Sheet Component for iOS & Android.

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Try it with Exponent




yarn add react-native-action-sheet-component


npm install --save react-native-action-sheet-component

Usage with ActionSheetManager

import { EvilIcons, Ionicons } from '@exponent/vector-icons'; import ActionSheetManager { ActionSheet, ActionSheetItem } from 'react-native-action-sheet-component';
const actionSheetItems = [   <ActionSheetItem     key='item-1'     text="Github"     value="github"     selectedIcon={checkedIcon}     icon={       <EvilIcons name="sc-github" size={42} />     }     onPress={this.onItemPress}   />,   <ActionSheetItem     key='item-2'     text="Facebook"     value="facebook"     selectedIcon={checkedIcon}     icon={       <EvilIcons name="sc-facebook" color="#4363A2" size={42} />     }     onPress={this.onItemPress}   />, ];  const options = {   defaultValue: ['github'],   children: actionSheetItems,   onChange: (value, index, selectedData) => {   }, }
ActionSheetManager.show(options, () => {   console.log('callback'); });
ActionSheetManager.update(options, () => {   console.log('callback'); });
ActionSheetManager.hide(() => {   console.log('callback'); });

Usage with ActionSheet

import { EvilIcons, Ionicons } from '@exponent/vector-icons'; import { ActionSheet, ActionSheetItem } from 'react-native-action-sheet-component';
class Example extends Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props) {        this.state = {         defaultSelectedValues: ['github'],       }     }   }    render() {     return (       <View style={{ flex: 1, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}>         <ActionSheet           ref={(actionSheet) => { this.topActionSheet = actionSheet; }}           position="top"           onChange={this.onChange}           defaultValue={this.state.defaultSelectedValues}           multiple         >           <ActionSheetItem             text="Github"             value="github"             selectedIcon={checkedIcon}             icon={               <EvilIcons name="sc-github" size={42} />             }             onPress={this.onItemPress}           />           <ActionSheetItem             text="Facebook"             value="facebook"             selectedIcon={checkedIcon}             icon={               <EvilIcons name="sc-facebook" color="#4363A2" size={42} />             }             onPress={this.onItemPress}           />         </ActionSheet>       </View>     )   } }
actionSheet.show(() => {   console.log('callback - show'); })
actionSheet.hide(() => {   console.log('callback - hide'); })



Prop Type Default Note
value? any null
defaultValue? any null
onShow? Function () => {}
onHide? Function () => {}
style? any null
onChange? Function () => {}
show? boolean false
showSelectedIcon? boolean true
multiple? boolean false
hideOnSelected? boolean true
hideOnSelceted? DEPRECATED boolean true
hideOnHardwareBackPress? boolean true
showSeparator? boolean true
showSparator? DEPRECATED boolean true
scrollEnabled? boolean true
animationDuration? number 250
overlayOpacity? number 0.3
position? string top
maxHeight? number Dimensions.get('window').height / 2
children? any null


Prop Type Default Note
text any null
icon? any null
index? number null
selectedIcon? number require('./img/checkmark.png')
selected? boolean false
showSelectedIcon? boolean true
onPress? Function () => {}
style? any null
textStyle? any null

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