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React Markdown Tree renders markdown as customizable React components and never uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

Others React


React Markdown Tree

Live Example

React Markdown Tree renders markdown as customizable React components and never uses dangerouslySetInnerHTML.

$ yarn add react-markdown-tree # OR $ npm install --save react-markdown-tree
# to use with the default config: $ yarn add react-markdown-tree-config-default # OR $ npm install --save react-markdown-tree-config-default
import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { MarkdownProvider } from 'react-markdown-tree'; import markdownConfig from 'react-markdown-tree-config-default'; import App from './App';  ReactDOM.render(   <MarkdownProvider config={markdownConfig}>     <App />   </MarkdownProvider>,   document.getElementById('root'), );
// App.js or any component that is a child of <MarkdownProvider> import { Markdown } from 'react-markdown-tree'; ...  render() {   return (     <Markdown>       {this.state.stringInMarkdownFormat /* any string containing the markdown source to render */}     </Markdown>   ); }

You can also use the UMD build that's available from Unpkg:

<!-- Available at window.ReactMarkdownTree --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-markdown-tree/dist/react-markdown-tree.min.js"></script>  <!-- Available at window.ReactMarkdownTreeConfigDefault --> <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-markdown-tree-config-default/dist/react-markdown-tree-config-default.min.js"></script>



children: string

  • String containing the markdown source to render
  • Not required, but if not provided <Markdown> returns null and does not render

as: string | ReactComponent

  • Not required, default is 'div'
  • What the markdown container element is rendered as
  • String as an html tag name, e.g. 'div' will render a <div> container, 'section' will render a <section> container, etc...
  • By default the container is rendered as a <div>
  • If you provide a ReactComponent instead of a string, the rendered markdown will be passed down as an array of children to that component


  • All other props will be passed down to the markdown container element, e.g. className, style, etc...

For Example

  • <Markdown as="section" className="some-markdown"># Some Heading</Markdown> will render on the page as <section class="some-markdown"><h1>Some Heading</h1><section/>


config: object

  • Not required, but if it is not provided unstyled html will be rendered
  • Object with keys for renderers and containerProps
  • Note that you can only set the config once when the <MarkdownProvider> is mounted, and you cannot change the config once it has been set.
  • For a reference config with unstyled renderers see referenceMarkdownConfigWithUnstyledRenderers.js
const config = {   renderers: {     Heading: /* ReactComponent */,     Paragraph: /* ReactComponent */,     Link: /* ReactComponent */,     Image: /* ReactComponent */,     List: /* ReactComponent */,     Item: /* ReactComponent */,     BlockQuote: /* ReactComponent */,     Emph: /* ReactComponent */,     Strong: /* ReactComponent */,     Softbreak: /* ReactComponent */,     Linebreak: /* ReactComponent */,     ThematicBreak: /* ReactComponent */,     Code: /* ReactComponent */,     CodeBlock: /* ReactComponent */,   },   containerProps: {     // default props passed down to every instance of <Markdown>     // see <Markdown> API for prop definitions   }, };

Publishing Custom Configs

  • Please create and publish custom configs on npm for others to use!
  • Publish under react-markdown-tree-config-YOUR-CONFIG-NAME
  • Let me know and I'll add them to the README

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