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A set of React components designed to handle global events (interval, keyboard, touch, mouse, etc).

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React Event Components

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A set of components designed as an idiomatic way of working with global, raw input (keyboard, mouse, touch, etc) in React.


A live demo can be found at https://pagarme.github.io/react-event-components


yarn add react-event-components 


npm install react-event-components --save 


Key Events

Call the handler everytime a key event happen.

import { KeyDown } from './react-event-components' import React, { Component } from 'react'  export default class KeyDownExample extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = {       x: 0,       y: 0,       totalTime: 0,       color: 'rgb(0,0,0)',       lastKeyPressed: 'None'       }   }    move(position) {     this.setState(position)   }    render() {     const {x, y, color} = this.state     return (       <div>         <p>Total time: {Math.floor(this.state.totalTime * 100)/100}</p>         <p>Last key pressed: {this.state.lastKeyPressed}</p>          <h1 style={{           transform: `translate(${x}px, ${y}px)`,           color: color         }}>           Try WASD or QEZC         </h1>          <KeyDown when="*" do={(key) => this.setState({ lastKeyPressed: key })} />         <KeyDown when="w" do={() => this.move({ y: y - 10 })} />         <KeyDown when="a" do={() => this.move({ x: x - 10 })} />         <KeyDown when="s" do={() => this.move({ y: y + 10 })} />         <KeyDown when="d" do={() => this.move({ x: x + 10 })} />         <KeyDown when="q" do={() => this.move({ x: x - 10, y: y - 10})} />         <KeyDown when="e" do={() => this.move({ x: x + 10, y: y - 10})} />         <KeyDown when="z" do={() => this.move({ x: x - 10, y: y + 10})} />         <KeyDown when="c" do={() => this.move({ x: x + 10, y: y + 10})} />       </div>     )   } }

Timer Events

Runs a function recurrently. Passes the delta time to handler.

import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Every } from './react-event-components'  export default class EveryExample extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = {       totalTime: 0,       color: 'rgb(0,0,0)'     }   }    handleTotalTime(dt) {     const totalTime = this.state.totalTime + dt     this.setState({       totalTime: totalTime,       displayTime: Math.floor(totalTime * 100)/100     })   }    handleColor() {     const randomHex = () => Math.round(Math.random() * 255)     this.setState({       color: `rgb(${randomHex()},${randomHex()},${randomHex()})`     })   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <p style={{ color: this.state.color }}>Total time: { this.state.displayTime }</p>          <Every frame do={(dt) => this.handleTotalTime(dt)} />         <Every s="1" ms="500" do={() => this.handleColor()} />       </div>     )   } }


Call do property every time device orientation changes

import React, {Component} from 'react' import {DeviceOrientation} from './react-event-components'  export default class DeviceOrientationExample extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = {       deviceOrientation: {}     }   }    handleDeviceOrientation = ({beta, gamma, alpha, absolute}) => {     this.setState({       deviceOrientation: {         beta,         gamma,         alpha,         absolute       }     })   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <DeviceOrientation do={this.handleDeviceOrientation} />          <h2>DeviceOrientation</h2>          <p>           beta: {this.state.deviceOrientation.beta}           <br />           gamma: {this.state.deviceOrientation.gamma}           <br />           alpha: {this.state.deviceOrientation.alpha}           <br />           absolute: {this.state.deviceOrientation.absolute}         </p>       </div>     )   } }


Triggered when the user resizes the window, it can be called when the user changes the orientation from portrait to landscape.

import React, { Component } from 'react' import { WindowResize } from './react-event-components'  export default class WindowResizeExample extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = {       title: 'Resize Your Window',       innerWidth: window.innerWidth     }   }    handleWindowResize(window) {     this.setState(Object.assign({}, this.state, {       innerWidth: window.innerWidth     }))   }    render() {     return (       <div>         <WindowResize do={this.handleWindowResize.bind(this)} />          <p>{this.state.title} {this.state.innerWidth}px</p>       </div>     )   } }

Battery Status

It will give you the battery status of the user API, if it is available

import { BatteryStatus } from './react-event-components' import React, { Component } from 'react'  export default class BatteryStatusExample extends Component {   constructor() {     super()     this.state = { }   }    render() {     const {       charging,       chargingTime,       dischargingTime,       level     } = this.state      return (       <section>         <BatteryStatus do={this.handleBatteryChange.bind(this)} />          <h2>BatteryStatus</h2>         <div>charging: {charging}</div>         <div>chargingTime: {chargingTime}</div>         <div>level: {level}%</div>       </section>     )   }    handleBatteryChange (battery) {     this.setState({ ...battery })   } } 

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