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A UI component for React Native that allows to create a listview with N levels of nesting.

Others React Native



UI component for React Native that allows to create a listview with N levels of nesting

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Table of contents

  1. Show
  2. Usage
  3. Props
  4. Example
  5. Roadmap


react-native-nested-listview react-native-nested-listview


yarn add react-native-nested-listview 
import NestedListView, {NestedRow} from 'react-native-nested-listview'  const data = [{title: 'Node 1', items: [{title: 'Node 1.1'}, {title: 'Node 1.2'}]}]  <NestedListView   data={data}   getChildrenName={(node) => 'items'}   onNodePressed={(node) => alert('Selected node')}   renderNode={(node, level) => (     <NestedRow       level={level}       style={styles.row}     >       <Text>{node.title}</Text>     </NestedRow>   )} />



Prop Description Type Default
data Array of nested items Array Required
renderNode Takes a node from data and renders it into the NestedlistView. The function receives {node, level} (see Usage) and must return a React element. Function Required
getChildrenName Function to determine in a node where are the children, by default NestedListView will try to find them in items Function items
onNodePressed Function called when a node is pressed by a user Function Not required
extraData A marker property for telling the list to re-render Object or Array Not required


Prop Description Type Default
height Height of the row number 50
children Content of the NestedRow Component Required
level Level where a given node is number Required
style NestedRow container style Style Not required


You can find the following example in the /examples folder.


  • Autoscrolling optionally
  • Expand/contract nodes programatically
  • Support animations

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