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A modern, Material Design inspried jQuery tabs UI component which allows to switch between different sections of content with a smooth CSS3 based animation.

Material-Design tabs


Tabs Modal

Showcase This is a material inspired tabs modal that gives the user a smooth transistion between each panel. The navigation features the iconic Material Design Ripple effect, along with a border that slides around to give the user a hint of which tab is active.


Step 1: Installing Node.js

The first step is getting NodeJS installed. If you already have it installed go ahead and skip to step #2.

  1. Head over to https://nodejs.org/en/ and install the latest version of Node.js
  2. Now that it's installed, run node -v to verify that you have the latest version installed.
  3. Head over to step #2.

Step 2: Installing GruntJS

The next step is setting up GruntJS locally. If you already have it installed go ahead and skip to step #3.

  1. Now that you have Node installed, let's install GruntJS by running the following command: npm install -g grunt-cli.
  2. Head over to step #3.

Step 3: Installing Git

After installing Node and Grunt, you can now install Git. If you already have it installed go ahead and skip to step #4.

  1. Go to https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git and follow the to installing git for the correct machine.
  2. Head over to step #4.

Step 4: Cloning Repo

  1. With everything installed, you can now clone the repo using the following command: git clone git@github.com:andyhqtran/UI-Library.git.
  2. Now with the repo cloned, you can navigate to it using the following command: cd UI-Library/Tabs.
  3. Head over to step #5.

Step 5: Installing Packages

  1. From current directory, install node packages with the following command: npm install.
  2. Head over to step #6.

Step 6: Running Grunt

  1. From the current directory, run the following command: grunt build. This will compile the Jade and Scss files.
  2. Once everything is compiled, you can run the local server with the following command: grunt.
  3. With grunt running, you can head over to localhost:3000 to view the tabs modal.

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