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Toast.js is a jQuery plugin which allows to create Android / Material Design inspired, toast-like notification popups on the screen.

Notification toast-message Material-Design



Materialize's toast redone for standalone jQuery


toast has 5 overloads:

  • toast(options);
  • toast(message);
  • toast(message, duration);
  • toast(message, duration, className);
  • toast(message, duration, className, completeCallback);

And the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
options object {} { message: "", duration: 5000, className: "", completeCallback: $.noop } Options to be used by toast
message string "" or DOM node <div> or jQuery object$() "" The message or element to show inside the new toast
duration number 0 5000 How long will the toast float before animating out
className string "" "" Classes to add to the new toast node
completeCallback function(){} $.noop Function to execute after toast animates out

The options parameter has 4 properties, which are equal to the other parameters in every way.

toast will not show (silently) if no message is provided!

Mobile friendly

Hammer.js is automatically supported, just like in Materialize!
All you need to do is add Hammer.js to your project before toast.js and you will be able to "pan" and "swipe" every toast.

Toast display is automatically changed between screen sizes to reflect each device's standard. That's what the css is for :D

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