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The stickyard library makes your React component sticky the easy way, using render prop.

Others React



Make your React component sticky the easy way, using render prop https://nihgwu.github.io/stickyard/


# Yarn yarn add stickyard  # NPM npm install --save stickyard



function({}) | required

Render whatever you want, it's called with an object with the following properties:

  • registerContainer(ref), pass to the container's ref prop.
  • registerSticky(ref), pass to the ref prop of whatever node within the container if you want to make it sticky.
  • updateState(), update the sticky state manually, this useful if your content is resizable.
  • getStickyOffsets(), return all the sticky-able elements' offsets.
  • scrollToIndex(index), scroll to the specific sticky element by index.
  • scrollTo(offset), scroll to the specific offset.

The ref-register must be passed to the real DOM node, so if the component is a wrapper uppon DOM node, you need to register it to the underlying DOM node, using innerRef or something like that if provided.



The className to be attached to the element when it's sticky.

This feature relies on classList which is not supported below IE10, so it won't take any effect on IE9 or below, you can use onSticky to implement by yourself.



It's called when an element becomes sticky, -1 means there is no sticky element.


import Stickyard from 'stickyard'  // pseudo code <Stickyard>   {({ registerContainer, registerSticky }) => (     <div ref={registerContainer}>       {items.map((item, index) => (         <div key={item.key} ref={item.sticky ? registerSticky : null}>           {item.label}         </div>       ))}     </div>   )} </Stickyard>


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