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Cruddy is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin used to assist with JSON API driven CRUD tasks.

Bootstrap data-table CRUD-Table


jQuery-CRUDdy An easy to use, templated, CRUD plugin for JSON API. Fully extendable, easy to use.



<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/Askedio/jQuery-Cruddy/master/src/css/jquery-cruddy.css" rel="stylesheet">   <!-- INSERT TEMPLATE HERE -->  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsrender/0.9.73/jsrender.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/Askedio/jQuery-Cruddy/master/src/js/jquery-cruddy.js"></script>  <script>   $('.container-user').cruddy(); </script> 


Default Template Example


Look for the data-href=, these are what will be used for your urls - adjust them to match your json api.


  var pluginName = 'cruddy',     defaults = {       strict:         true,                                     /* force [send|receive] headers to be application/vnd.api+json */       slug:           'users',                                  /* slug used to cache local settings like url,sort,search */       validation:     'validateLaravel',                        /* the function used to validate form errors */       listtype:       'listLaravel',                            /* the function used to generate lists */       autofocus:      true,                                     /* auto focus first visible input in modal when [edit|create] */        templates: {         noresults :   '#no-results',                            /* the jsrender template for no results */         create_edit:  '#create-edit',                           /* the jsrender template for [create|edit] modal */         pagination:   '#list-pagination',                       /* the jsrender template for the pagination */         row:          '#row-item'                               /* the jsrender template for results */       },        selectors: {         create:       '.btn-create',                            /* the button used to trigger the create modal */         del:          'button[data-action="delete"]',           /* the button used to delete a list item */         id:           'input[name="id"]',                       /* the (hidden) input used to as the id for the user */         limit:        '[name="limit"]',                         /* the input used to define the list limit */         modal:        '#modal-create-edit',                     /* the modal for [create|edit] */         refresh:      '.btn-refresh',                           /* the button used to refresh list data */         pagination:   '.pagination > li > span',                /* the paginatied elements used for next/prev */         read:         'button[data-action="read"]',             /* the button used to edit a list item */         search:       '.search',                                /* the input used for searching the list */         search_field: 'input[name="q"]',                        /* .. */         sort:         'th[data-col]',                           /* the attibute to use for sorting the list */         table:        '.table-list',                            /* the list table */         update:       '.create-edit'                            /* the form used in [create|edit] modal */       },        styles: {         tbody:              'table tbody',                      /* the lists tbody */         thead:              'thead',                            /* the lists thead */         pagination:         'list-pagination',                  /* the lists pagination container */         hide:               'hide',                             /* invisible elements */         form_group:         'form-group',                       /* form item groups */         em:                 'em',                               /* used for icons [em|i] */          alert: {           base:             'alert-control',                    /* base alert */           alert_success:    'alert-success',                    /* alert ok */           alert_danger:     'alert-danger'                      /* alert not ok */         },          refresh: {           btn_refresh:      'btn-refresh',                      /* refresh btn */           fa_spin:          'fa-spin'                           /* spin */         },          sort: {           em:               'em-sort',                          /* use this icon for sort arrow changes */           fa:               'fa-sort',                          /* base sort icon */           sort_asc:         'fa-sort-asc',                      /* asc icon */           sort_desc:        'fa-sort-desc'                      /* desc icon */         },          error: {           has_error:        'has-error',                        /* form error  */           help_block:       'help-block',                       /* form block */           strong:           'strong'                            /* element in the error */         }       },        lang: {         saved:        'Saved',                                  /* alert save */                  deleted:      'Deleted',                                /* alert deleted */         confirm:      'Are you sure?',                          /* confirm delete */         errors:       {                                         /* translate error codes to messages, new json api will be different */                         default:     'Error',                                            500:         'Internal Server Error',                         404:         'Not Found',                         415:         'Unsupported Media Type',                         406:         'Not Acceptable'                       }       },        list: {         direction:    'asc',                                    /* default sort direction */         limit:        10,                                       /* default limit */         sort:         'id',                                     /* default sort id  */         search:       ''                                        /* default search  */       },        create: {                                                 /* define data your templates.create_edit requires */         attributes: {           id:           '',           name:         '',           email:        ''         }      }, 

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