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An avatar allowing you to click on it to change the image.

Others React Native



An avatar allowing you to click on it to change the image

Documentation For React-native 0.26.2+ to 0.40

For React-native 0.40 to 0.47, use ^1.0.0

For React-native 0.48+, use ^2.0.0

For React-native 0.40+

The component might work on older versions


import Avatar from 'react-native-interactive-avatar';  export default class Example extends Component {     handleImageChange = (response) => {         // Do something          // response looks like : {         //      data: "...", // Base64         //      fileSize: 474486,         //      height: 531,         //      isVertical: false,         //      origURL: "assets-library://asset/asset.JPG?id=106E99A1-4F6A-45A2-B320-B0AD4A8E8473&ext=JPG",         //      uri: "file:///...",         //      width: 800,         // }     };      render() {         <View>             <Avatar                 uri={'https://media2.giphy.com/media/sbLpwwHlgls8E/giphy.gif'}                 size={'default'}                 placeholderSource={require('example/images/placeholder.png')}                 interactive                 onChange={this.handleImageChange}             />             <Avatar                 source={require('example/images/logo.png')}                 size={'medium'}             />             <Avatar                 source={require('example/images/logo.png')}                 size={'small'}             />             <Avatar                 withBorder                 placeholderSource={require('example/images/placeholder.png')}                 interactive                 style={{                     borderColor: '#000000',                     borderWidth: 1,                     marginLeft: 5,                 }}                 size={'verySmall'}             />         </View>     } }


See more in the Example Project

⚠️ Use npm to install the dependencies of the example project. Yarn is ignoring the .npmignore and therefore installing example/ in the node_modules/react-native-interactive-avatar relative dependency.


Property name Type Remark
interactive React.PropTypes.bool if true, allows to select a new image on Press (if no onPress function is defined)
onChange React.PropTypes.func called on change when interactive is true
onChangeFailed React.PropTypes.func called on change failure when interactive is true
onPress React.PropTypes.func
overlayColor React.PropTypes.string On android only, should be the same than the backgroundColor of the surrounding View
pickerOptions ImagePicker.options See react-native-image-picker
placeholderSource Image.propTypes.source A source for the Image that is displayed when source and uri are empty
placeholderURI React.PropTypes.string A distant source for the Image that is displayed when source and uri are empty
size React.PropTypes.oneOf([ 'default', 'mini', 'verySmall', 'small', 'medium' ]) A set of sizes that you can set for the Avatar
source Image.propTypes.source The source Image to display
style Image.propTypes.style The style of the Image
uri React.PropTypes.string A distant source to display
withBorder React.PropTypes.bool Should it have a border?

This component uses the awesome react-native-image-picker


    npm i --save react-native-interactive-avatar     react-native link react-native-image-picker 

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