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Higher order React components for the matchMedia API. Receive props that indicate whether your media queries match.

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npm install react-matchmedia-connect --save



createMatchMediaConnect lets you register a set of media queries. If one of the queries changes, you component will be updated.

import { createMatchMediaConnect } from 'react-matchmedia-connect';  // Define some media queries and give them a key const connect = createMatchMediaConnect({   isLandscape: '(orientation: landscape)',   isMin400: '(min-width: 400px)',   isTablet: '(min-width: 700px), handheld and (orientation: landscape)' });

Then use this connect function throughout your app:

const Component = ({ isLandscape, isMin400 }) => (   <div>     <div>{isLandscape ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'}</div>     <div>{isMin400 ? 'at least 400' : 'less than 400'}</div>   </div> ); // This component only needs `isLandscape` and `isMin400` const ConnectedComponent = connect(['isLandscape', 'isMin400'])(Component);
const OtherComponent = ({ isTablet }) => (   isTablet ? <div>Tablet</div> : <div>No tablet</div> ); // This component only needs `isTablet` const OtherConnectedComponent = connect(['isTablet'])(Component); 


createResponsiveConnect expects a list of breakpoints and creates the respective media queries with createMatchMediaConnect. You'll get a isMin<Size> and isMax<Size> property for each breakpoint as well as a isPortrait and isLandscape property.

import { createResponsiveConnect } from 'react-matchmedia-connect'; const connect = createResponsiveConnect({   xs: 480,   sm: 768,   md: 992,   lg: 1200 });
const Component = ({ isMinMd, isMaxMd }) => (   <div>     <div>{isMinMd ? 'greater than 992px' : 'less than 992px'}</div>     <div>{isMaxMd ? 'less than 1200px' : 'greater than 1199px'}</div>     <div>{isMinMd && isMaxMd ? 'between 992px and 1199px' : 'other'}</div>   </div> ); // Only connect to `isMinMd` and `isMaxMd` const ConnectedComponent = connect(['isMinMd', 'isMaxMd'])(Component);



  • mediaQueries (Object): A set of media queries.
  • returns (Function): connect function that connects your components to changes
const connect = createMatchMediaConnect({   isLandscape: '(orientation: landscape)',   isMin400: '(min-width: 400px)' });
  • properties (Array): An array of properties that your component should receive
  • returns (Function): wrapWithConnect higher order function
const wrapWithConnect = connect(['isMin400']);
  • Component (Component): The component that you want to connect
  • returns (Component): Connected component
const Component = ({ isMin400 }) => (   <div>{isMin400 ? 'at least 400' : 'less than 400'}</div> ); // This component only needs `isLandscape` and `isMin400` const ConnectedComponent = wrapWithConnect(Component);


  • breakpoints (Object): A set of breakpoints
  • returns (Function): connect function that connects your components to changes

Default breakpoints:

const defaultBreakpoints = {   xs: 480,   sm: 768,   md: 992,   lg: 1200 };


Run the simple example:

# Make sure that you've installed the dependencies npm install # Move to example directory cd react-matchmedia-connect/examples/simple npm install npm start


# Make sure that you've installed the dependencies npm install # Run tests npm test

Code Coverage

# Run code coverage. Results can be found in `./coverage` npm run test:cov



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