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A generic, cross-platform React Native picker component for both iOS and Android.

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Cross platform picker for IOS and Android. It is based on PickerIOS for IOS while react-native-wheel for android.


Npm package will not be updated,because the account of npm is lost.  The account belongs to my teammate and the team is gone. I feel very sorry for that! Sorry again! 

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npm install

$ npm i https://github.com/SudoPlz/react-native-wheel.git --save $ npm i https://github.com/MonkeyKingPlus/react-native-picker.git --save 

Update Gradle Settings

// file: android/settings.gradle ... include ':react-native-wheel' project(':react-native-wheel').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-wheel/android') 

Update app Gradle Build

// file: android/app/build.gradle ...  dependencies {   ...   compile project(':react-native-wheel') } 

Register React Package

// file: android/src/main/java/com.xx/MainApplication.java ...  import com.heng.wheel.WheelPackage;  private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {     @Override         protected boolean getUseDeveloperSupport() {             return BuildConfig.DEBUG;         }          @Override         protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {             return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(                 new MainReactPackage(),                 new WheelPackage()          // Added there             );         }     }; 


import React ,{Component}from 'react'; import {     StyleSheet,     Text,     View,     TouchableOpacity,     Platform } from 'react-native';  import BaseComponent from './baseComponent'; import SinglePicker from 'mkp-react-native-picker';  import {viewStyles} from '../themes/default';  const options = [{     key: 1,     value: "Option1" }, {     key: 2,     value: "Option2" }, {     key: 3,     value: "Option3" }]  const another_options = [{     key: 1,     value: "OptionA" }, {     key: 2,     value: "OptionB" }, {     key: 3,     value: "OptionC" }];  const optionsGroup = [options, another_options]  export default class Picker extends BaseComponent {     constructor(props) {         super(props);         this.state = {             selected: ''         }         this.optionsGroupIndex = 0     }      render() {         return <View style={viewStyles.main}>             <TouchableOpacity                 style={{height:30,flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center',backgroundColor:'red'}}                 onPress={()=>{                     this.singlePicker.show();                 }}>                 <Text style={{fontSize:18,color:'white',fontWeight:'bold'}}>Single Picker(Click Me!)</Text>             </TouchableOpacity>              <View style={{height:50,justifyContent:'center'}}><Text>You have                 selected {this.state.selected}</Text></View>              <TouchableOpacity                 style={{height:30,flexDirection:'row',justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'center',backgroundColor:'red'}}                 onPress={()=>{                     this.optionsGroupIndex = Math.abs(this.optionsGroupIndex - 1)                     this.singlePicker.setOption(optionsGroup[this.optionsGroupIndex]);                 }}>                 <Text>Switch Options</Text>             </TouchableOpacity>              <SinglePicker                 style={{justifyContent: 'flex-end', backgroundColor: 'white'}}                 lang="en-US"                 ref={ref=>this.singlePicker=ref}                 onConfirm={(option)=>{                     //this.setState({selected:option.value})                 }}                 onSelect={(option)=>{                     this.setState({selected:option.value})                 }}                 options={options}             >              </SinglePicker>         </View>     } }



Key Type Required Default Description
options array yes must be an array of key-value pairs,like { key: 1, value: 'option' }
lang string no 'zh-CN' enums:'zh-CN','en-US','es-AR','ja-JP' indicate the language of the text in buttons
style object no {backgroundColor: "white"} modal container style
defaultSelectedValue any no key of each option,if undefined, the first option will be selected
onConfirm function no option that be selected as the parameter
onSelect function no option that be selected as the parameter
onCancel function no
headerStyle object no
headerButtonStyle object no
buttonCancelStyle object no
buttonAcceptStyle object no


Name Description
show show the Picker
hide hide the Picker
setOption(options,defaultSelectedValue) change options of the Picker

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