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Folder based file browser given a flat keyed list of objects, powered by React.

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Folder based file browser given a flat keyed list of objects, powered by React.

Live Demo

Check out the live demo here: http://uptick.github.io/react-keyed-file-browser/


Install the package with npm:

npm install react-keyed-file-browser 

Then require and use with ES6 imports:

import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'  import FileBrowser from 'react-keyed-file-browser'  var mount = document.querySelectorAll('div.browser-mount'); ReactDOM.render(   <FileBrowser     files=[]   />,   mount[0] );

Include icons from FontAwesome 4:

import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'  import FileBrowser, {Icons} from 'react-keyed-file-browser'  var mount = document.querySelectorAll('div.browser-mount'); ReactDOM.render(   <FileBrowser     files=[]     icons={Icons.FontAwesome(4)}   />,   mount[0] );

or your own icons by specifying as so:

  <FileBrowser     files=[]     icons={{       File: <i className="file" aria-hidden="true" />,       Image: <i className="file-image" aria-hidden="true" />,       PDF: <i className="file-pdf" aria-hidden="true" />,       Rename: <i className="i-cursor" aria-hidden="true" />,       Folder: <i className="folder" aria-hidden="true" />,       FolderOpen: <i className="folder-open" aria-hidden="true" />,       Delete: <i className="trash" aria-hidden="true" />,       Loading: <i className="circle-notch spin" aria-hidden="true" />,     }}   />

Optionally, include the built css with an import:

@import 'node_modules/react-keyed-file-browser/dist/react-keyed-file-browser.css'; 

or tag:

<link   href="static/node_modules/react-keyed-file-browser/dist/react-keyed-file-browser.css"   rel="stylesheet" >

Full reference documentation coming soon. For now, take a look at the reference implementation with event handlers on the live demo at http://uptick.github.io/react-keyed-file-browser/.

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