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This is a React Native component to create elegant, flat style actions buttons for iOS & Android.

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Flat button component for react-native

react-native flat button


npm i react-native-flat-button --save


Prop Type Default Description
type string(required) - Type of button. Use predefined types: 'primary', 'neutral', 'warn', 'positive', 'negative', 'info' or use 'custom'
backgroundColor string '#34495e' Sets button's background color.
borderColor string '#2c3e50' Sets button's border color.
borderRadius number 8 Sets button's border radius.
shadowHeight number 4 Sets button's border shadow.
borderLeftWidth number 0.5 Sets button's border left shadow.
borderRightWidth number 0.5 Sets button's border right shadow.
activeOpacity number 0.9 Sets button's onpressing transparency. (It should be between 0 to 1)
containerStyle View.propTypes.style {justifyContent: 'center',alignItems: 'center'} Sets button's style (Same as TouchableOpacity)
contentStyle Text.propTypes.style {color: 'white',fontSize: 18,fontWeight: 'bold'} Sets button's text style (Same as Text)


import React, { Component } from 'react' import {   Alert,   AppRegistry,   StyleSheet,   Text,   View, } from 'react-native'  import Button from 'react-native-flat-button'  class Example extends Component {   render() {     return (       <View style={styles.container}>         <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>           Pre-Defined Buttons         </Text>          <Button           type="primary"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Primary Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Primary Button         </Button>          <Button           type="positive"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Positive Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Positive Button         </Button>          <Button           type="negative"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Negative Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Negative Button         </Button>          <Button           type="neutral"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Neutral Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Neutral Button         </Button>          <Button           type="warn"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Warn Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Warn Button         </Button>          <Button           type="info"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Info Button')}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}         >           Info Button         </Button>          <Text style={{ fontSize: 20, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>           Custom Buttons         </Text>          <Button           type="custom"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Custom Button #1')}           backgroundColor={"#1abc9c"}           borderColor={"#16a085"}           borderRadius={10}           shadowHeight={5}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}           contentStyle={styles.content}         >           Custom Button         </Button>          <Button           type="custom"           onPress={() => Alert.alert('Custom Button #2')}           backgroundColor={"#9b59b6"}           borderColor={"#8e44ad"}           borderRadius={6}           shadowHeight={8}           activeOpacity={0.5}           containerStyle={styles.buttonContainer}           contentStyle={{ fontSize: 22, fontWeight: '900' }}         >           Custom Button         </Button>       </View>     )   } }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   container: {     flex: 1,     justifyContent: 'center',     alignItems: 'center',     backgroundColor: '#F5FCFF',   },   buttonContainer: {     width: 200,     height: 50,     marginVertical: 5   },   content:{     fontSize: 22   } })  AppRegistry.registerComponent('Example', () => Example)

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