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Table Populator is a dynamic table plugin for rendering a flat style data table with pagination, filtering and sorting using remote data via AJAX request.



Table populator plugin

Table populator is a intuitive and easy Jquery plugin to populate html 5 tables with remote data (ajax)

Live demo

Live demo

Try it yourself

If you want try in your local machine download or clone this project and first of run mini app provided :


Then run demo.html in your browser!


Basic Usage

Import plugin files in your page

<script src="${path}/table-populator.js"></script> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="${path}/table-populator.css"/> 

Add some table in your code

<table id="my-table-id">      <thead> 	     <tr> 	         <th data-sort-key="name" >Nombre</th> 	         <th >Descripción</th> 	     </tr>      </thead> </table>

The basic usage consist only to provide an URL to get the data, pagination triggers, and your mappings

 $('#my-table-id').tablePopulator({             fetch_url: "${path}/my_elements.json",             previous_button_selector: "#prev-button",             next_button_selector: "#next-button",             row_mapper:  function (json_element, row_element) {                             row_element[0]=json_element.some_property             }         });

We have the previous table, and /my_elements.json response is like:

[ 	{  		"id":123, 		"name" : "john doe", 		"address":"Barcelona", 		"age": 33 	}, 	{  		"id":124, 		"name" : "jane doe", 		"address":"Madrid", 		"age": 30 	} ]

We only have to add the correct mapper function on plugin

 $('#my-table-id').tablePopulator({             fetch_url: "${path}/my_elements.json",             previous_button_selector: "#prev-button",             next_button_selector: "#next-button",             row_mapper:  function (json_element, row_element) {                   row_element[0]=json_element.name;                    row_element[1]=json_element.address;                    row_element[2]=json_element.age;                    row_element[3]='<a href="/edit_'+json_element.id+'.html"> Edit </a>';             }         });

Http call

To get the data asynchronously this plugin makes a HTTP call:

HTTP method:

  • GET

Headers :

  • Accept: application/json, text/javascript

Query params

  • skip : Integer
  • limit : Integer
  • order_by ( optional ) : String
  • sort ( optional ) : ASC | DESC
  • query ( optional ) : String

Sorting fields##

If you want to sort fields remotely you only have to add a custom attribute in your desired table headers

<th data-sort-key="name" >Nombre</th>

This plugin automatically add two params, order_by and sort to the ajax call

plugin options

Option Type Mandatory Default value Description
fetch_url String yes url to request your data
previous_button_selector String yes valid jquery button selector to trigger the data
next_button_selector String yes valid jquery button selector to trigger the data
row_mapper Function yes function called when parsing the data received from server, It must make the making from a single json element to a array row
search_field_selector String no valid jquery input selector to trigger the data if you want to search
default_order_field String no default order-sort-key
default_sort String no ASC default sorting direction
pagination_limit Integer no 20 pagination limit
save_table_status Boolean no false Set to true if you want to save status table in a browser database between pages
save_table_status_store_key String no (When save_table_status is enabled) Key to store on browser repository
save_table_session_expiration Boolean no false (When save_table_status is enabled) Set to true if you want to save only in session scope
mapResultOnReceive Function no Triggered when results obtained from server and triggered before any render action,it must return the transformed result
beforeRender Function no Triggered before render the results obtained
afterRender Function no Triggered after render the results obtained ( if you want to apply javascript plugins to decorate for example )

plugin functions


If you want to reload manually table populator :

<script>     $(document).ready(function () {         var populator = $('#test-table').tablePopulator({             fetch_url: "http://some_json_url.json",             previous_button_selector: "#prev",             next_button_selector: "#next",             pagination_limit: 5,             search_field_selector: "#search-input",             row_mapper: function (json_element, row_element) {                 row_element[0] = json_element.username                 row_element[1] = json_element.email                 row_element[2] = json_element.age             }         });         $('#manual-reload').click(function () {             populator.tablePopulator("reload");         });     });

Global pagination status

This plugin does'nt contains information about how many elements are in total, in which number of page you are or the possibility to go to an specific number of page.

This plugin only contains a previous button and a next button because it tries to avoid complexity and overload with queries on server (like select counts).

In 99% of cases you does'nt need that kind of information, sorting and filtering is enough.

But, if you need to show that information this plugin provide a custom option to do that:

 $('#my-table-id').tablePopulator({            ...             pagination_global_status: {                 enabled: true,                 print_selector: "#some-div-id",                 url_counter: "${path}/elements_counter.json",                 separator: "/",                 of_literal: "of"             },            ...         });

This option will print in some div something like:

	20/40 of 3022  

This is offset/limit of total of elements

Populate plugin will make an http call with same params as fetch call.

Option Type Mandatory Default value Description
enabled Boolean no false enables this functionallity
print_selector String yes valid jquery element selector to print the data
url_counter String yes url to request your data, this must return a json response with single integer or string with a total of elements
separator String no "/" symbol to separate
of_literal String no "of" literal if you want to internationalize

Advanced usage

 $('#my-table-id').tablePopulator({             save_table_status:true,             save_table_session_expiration: true,             save_table_status_store_key:"table-devices-groupingby-34",             fetch_url: "${path}/config/gateway/devices/accepted.json",             previous_button_selector: "#prev-button",             next_button_selector: "#next-button",             search_field_selector: null,             pagination_limit: 20,             pagination_global_status: {                 enabled: true,                 print_selector: "#global status span",                 url_counter: "/count.json",                 separator: "/",                 of_literal: "of"             },             row_mapper: function (json_element, row_element) {                 alert("please implement row_mapper function to print results")             },             beforeRender: function (jsonData) {             },             afterRender: function (jsonData) {                 // used to apply UI plugins after render the table, for example render checkboxes              },             mapResultOnReceive: function(jsonData) {                  // used to transform data before render, for example if your respoinse has an envelop or you want to transform some data                  var transformed = ... // extract or transform data                 return transformed;             }         });

Cross domain

Remember if you want to use this plugin doing cross-domain you have to attack against apis with CORS enabled!

CSS customization

If you want to change loading image or sorting icons modify css provided with the plugin or override css in your page.

Plugin dependencies

JQuery >= 1.7 Jquery UI >=1.8

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