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Yet another jQuery plugin for generating an HTML5 rating control from any element that features fractional star fill and custom rating icons.

Rating star-rating


jQuery Ratings

Plugin that can be configured via data- attributes or JavaScript. See it in action!

Quick Start | Configuration | Methods | Events

Quick Start

By default, the plugin will find any elements that have the data-ratings attribute.

<div> 	<span id="ratings-1" data-ratings='{"max": 5, "value": 0}'></span> </div>

Default setup


The configuration object accepts the following properties:

Property Type Default
allowDecimals Boolean false
enabled Boolean true
max Number 5
icons Object {"empty": "[SVG]", "full": "[SVG]"}
value Number 0

allowDecimals (Boolean)

Determines if the ratings will allow halves (.5) values. Default: false.

enabled (Boolean)

Determines if the ratings are clickable/draggable. Default: true.

max (Number)

The max number the rating can have. Default: 5.

icons (Object)

empty (String)

HTML string or selector that points to an element to use as the template. This value is used when displaying a rating that has not been selected.

full (String)

HTML string or selector that points to an element to use as the template. This value is used when displaying a rating that has been selected.

value (Number)

The initial value of the ratings.

Quick Start | Configuration | Methods | Events


Method Parameters Description
disable silent (Boolean) Sets the configuration property enabled to false.
enable silent (Boolean) Sets the configuration property enabled to true.
get property (String) Retrieves the specified configuration property.
max value (Number), silent (Boolean) Sets the configuration property max.
redraw silent (Boolean) Redraws the ratings UI.
value value (Number), silent (Boolean) Set the configuration property value.


silent (Boolean) Call without triggering events.

Sets the configuration property enabled to false. Triggers the ratings:disabled event. Specifying silent to true will prevent the event trigger.

$('#my-ratings').on('ratings:disabled', function () { console.log('#my-ratings disabled'); }); $('#my-ratings').ratings('disable');


silent (Boolean) Call without triggering events.

Sets the configuration property enabled to true. Triggers the ratings:enabled event. Specifying silent to true will prevent the event trigger.

$('#my-ratings').on('ratings:enabled', function () { console.log('#my-ratings enabled'); }); $('#my-ratings').ratings('enable');


property (String) The property to retrieve.

Retrieves the specified configuration property.

console.log($('#my-ratings').ratings('get', 'value'));


value (Number)

silent (Boolean) Call without triggering events.

Sets the configuration property max. Triggers the ratings:update and ratings:update.max events. Specifying silent to true will prevent the event triggers.

$('#my-ratings').ratings('max', 6);


silent (Boolean) Call without triggering events.

Clears the HTML of the rating and redraws it. Trigges the ratings:redrawn event. Specifying silent to true will prevent the event trigger.

$('#my-ratings').on('ratings:redrawn', function () { 	console.log('#my-ratings redrawn'); });  $('#my-ratings').ratings('redraw');


value (Number)

silent (Boolean) Call without triggering events.

Sets the configuration property value. Triggers the ratings:update and ratings:update.value events. Specifying silent to true will prevent the event triggers.

$('#my-ratings').ratings('value', 3);

Quick Start | Configuration | Methods | Events



Triggered after calling the value method. Passes the new value to the callback.


Triggered after calling the enable method. Passes the configuration object to the callback.


Triggered after calling the disable method. Passes the configuration object to the callback.


Triggered after calling the redraw method. Passes the configuration object to the callback.


Triggered after calling the max or value method. Passes the configuration object to the callback.

Quick Start | Configuration | Methods | Events



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