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This library will render a draggable virtual keyboard on the bottom of the screen when the input is selected.

Others React


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alt tag

Quick start

This library will render a draggable virtual keyboard on the bottom of the screen when the input is selected. The usage is very simple - instead of using the input tag, use the KeyboardedInput tag from the library. You can control the input's value via the callback function you give to its props.

Currently supported keyboards: us, de, ru, fr

Installing via npm

npm install react-touch-screen-keyboard 

Installing via npm (React v15)

npm install [email protected] 


import React from 'react'; import KeyboardedInput from 'react-touch-screen-keyboard'; import 'react-touch-screen-keyboard/lib/Keyboard.css'; // if you just want css import 'react-touch-screen-keyboard/lib/Keyboard.scss'; // if you've got sass-loader  class Input extends React.Component {   render() {     return (       <KeyboardedInput         enabled         required         type={this.props.type}         onChange={this.props.onChange}         onBlur={this.props.onBlur}         onFocus={this.props.onFocus}         value={this.props.value}         min={this.props.min}         max={this.props.max}         step={this.props.step}         name={this.props.name}         inputClassName={this.props.inputClassName}         keyboardClassName={this.props.keyboardClassName}         placeholder={this.props.placeholder}         defaultKeyboard="de"         secondaryKeyboard="us" // optional         isFirstLetterUppercase={true} // optional, default is `false`         uppercaseAfterSpace={true} // optional, default is `false`         isDraggable={false} // optional, default is `true`         readOnly={this.props.readOnly} // optional         opacity={0.9} // optional       />     );   } } export default Input; 

Use Custom Keyboard

You can pass a Nx3 sized array into defaultKeyboard prop to render a customize layout.

You can place functional keys using the following placeholders:

Placeholder Key
*sh Shift
*bs Backspace
import React from 'react'; import KeyboardedInput from 'react-touch-screen-keyboard'; import 'react-touch-screen-keyboard/lib/Keyboard.css';  class Input extends React.Component {   render() {     const CustomMapping = [       ['q', 'w', 'e', 'r', 't', 'y', 'u', 'i', 'o', 'p'],       ['a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', '@'],       ['z', 'x', 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n', 'm', '.com']     ];            return (       <KeyboardedInput         enabled         type={this.props.type}         value={this.props.value}         name={this.props.name}         defaultKeyboard={CustomMapping}       />     );   } } export default Input; 

Managing focus programmatically

The focus() function can be used to set the focus on the input field and show the keyboard. You can access the component via its ref.

For example, to focus the input field when clicking on a button, first set the ref:

  <KeyboardedInput     ref={ref => { this.myInput = ref; }}     ...

Then call the focus() function in the click handler of a button:

  <Button onClick={() => { this.myInput.focus(); }}>     Click Me   </Button> 

See the examples for a more complete sample.

Running Local Example

# NPM $ npm run-script start  # Yarn $ yarn start 

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