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Just another jQuery plugin to extend the Bootstrap modal component that makes it easy to create flexible, dynamic, complex modal windows in pure JavaScript.

Bootstrap Modal




Extended Bootstrap Modal is a simple Javascript plugin enables you to generate a complex bootstrap modal without any HTML code.


  • Jquery 1.10 or higher.


<!-- Import Jquery --> <script   src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"   integrity="sha256-ZosEbRLbNQzLpnKIkEdrPv7lOy9C27hHQ+Xp8a4MxAQ="   crossorigin="anonymous"></script>  <!-- Import Bootstrap --> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <link href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">  <!-- Import Extended bootstrap modal plugin --> <script src="plugin/extendedBootstrapModal.js"></script> 

How to use it

Simple modal

You can simply use the plugin without any parameters, it will generate a simple and classic bootstrap modal with the given text, and a close button.

This is an elegant way to replace the old Javascript Alert, and this is as simple as it.


ExtendedBoostrapModal('Simple modal without any parameters'); 

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Modal state

You can specify a modal state to change the header color :

  • success
  • warning
  • danger
  • info
  • primary

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Complex modal

The plugin become a powerfull tools when you want to generate complex modal with many HTML components.

  • No HTML code
  • Many modals on the same page without duplicate code
  • Possibility to to add a form with inputs, radio button, checkbox and dropdown list
  • Add Bootstrap row with many columns
  • Easily customizable

Autoload modal with text

ExtendedBoostrapModal({     autoload: true,     id: 'my-modal',     title: 'Sample modal' }); 

Modal with simple form

You can add an HTML form by using addForm parameter with id, name, and a list of HTML tags. If you use it, you have to manually define a collection of buttons (at least one for closing).

You can define a callback on each button by using callback parameter, and add parameters with arguments.

ExtendedBoostrapModal({     autoload: true,     id: 'my-modal',     title: 'Sample modal',     addForm: {         id: 'form_id',         name: 'form_name',         inputs: {             label: 'textInput',             list: [                 {                     id: 'input_id',                     name: 'input_name',                     type: 'text',                     value: '',                     placeholder: 'my text input'                 }             ]         },         buttons: [             {                 value: 'Cancel',                 type: 'button'             },             {                 name: 'btn_add',                 value: 'Validate',                 type : 'button',                 class: 'btn-success',                 callback: 'my_callback_fct',                 arguments : ['arg1', 'arg2']             }         ]     } });  function my_callback_fct(arg1, arg2) { } 

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Modal with complex form

You can add the following components :

  • Input text (with or without pattern)
  • Radio button
  • Checkbox
  • Select

Each component works the same way : you just have to add a node with a name and a tags list.

Input text
inputs: {     label: 'input1',     list: [         {             id: 'input_id1',             name: 'input_name1',             type: 'text',             value: '',             placeholder: 'my first text input'         },         {             id: 'input_id2',             name: 'input_name2',             type: 'text',             value: '',             placeholder: 'my second text input with pattern',             pattern: '.{5,}' // Pattern example, contain 5 or more characters         }     ] } 
Radio button

/!\ You have to use the same name for each radio if you want to linked them

radios : { 	label : 'radios', 	list: [ 	    { 	        name: 'radio_name', 	        value: 'choice_1', 	        content: 'Choice 1', 	        checked: true 	    }, 	    { 	        name: 'radio_name', 	        value: 'choice_2', 	        content: 'Choice 2' 	    } 	] } 
checkboxs : {     label : 'checkboxs',     list: [         {             name: 'check1',             content: 'Choice 1'         },         {             name: 'check2',             content: 'Choice 2'         }     ] } 
selects: {     label : 'selects',     list : [         {             name:"myList",             options : [                 {                     name: 'opt1',                     value: 'Option 1'                 },                 {                     name: 'opt2',                     value: 'Option 2',                     selected: true                 },             ],         }     ] } 

Complete sample

Here is a complete sample you can use to build your proper modal.

ExtendedBoostrapModal({     autoload: true,     id: 'my-modal',     title: 'Sample modal',     addForm: {         id: 'form_id',         name: 'form_name',         inputs: {             label: 'textInput',             list: [                 {                     id: 'input_id',                     name: 'input_name',                     type: 'text',                     value: '',                     placeholder: 'my text input'                 }             ]         },         buttons: [                 {                     value: 'Cancel',                     type: 'button'                 },                 {                     name: 'btn_add',                     value: 'Validate',                     type : 'button',                     class: 'btn-success',                     callback: 'my_callback_fct',                     arguments : ['arg1', 'arg2']                 }         ],         radios : {             label : 'radios',             list: [                 {                     name: 'radio_name',                     value: 'choice_1',                     content: 'Choice 1'                 },                 {                     name: 'radio_name',                     value: 'choice_2',                     content: 'Choice 2'                 }             ]         },         checkboxs : {             label : 'checkboxs',             list: [                 {                     name: 'check1',                     content: 'Choice 1'                 },                 {                     name: 'check2',                     content: 'Choice 2'                 }             ]         },         selects: {             label : 'selects',             list : [                 {                     name:"myList",                     options : [                         {                             name: 'opt1',                             value: 'Option 1'                         },                         {                             name: 'opt2',                             value: 'Option 2',                             selected: true                         },                     ],                 }             ]         }     } }); 

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