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A JS-based collapsible toolbar for React Native that works on both Android and iOS.

Others React Native



Pure JS based collapsible toolbar for react native on Android and iOS.



yarn add react-native-collapsible-toolbar


import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import CollapsibleToolbar from 'react-native-collapsible-toolbar';  ... <CollapsibleToolbar     renderContent={this.renderContent}     renderNavBar={this.renderNavBar}     renderToolBar={this.renderToolBar}     imageSource='https://lorempixel.com/400/300/'     collapsedNavBarBackgroundColor='#009688'     translucentStatusBar={Platform.Version >= 21}     toolBarHeight={300} /> ...

Available props

Either an image source or a custom toolbar component must be provided

Name Type Default Description
collapsedNavBarBackgroundColor String '#FFF' Navbar background color when it's collapsed
imageSource String - Image to render as collapsible component
onContentScroll Function - The scroll event
renderContent Function REQUIRED Content to render below the collapsible toolbar
renderNavBar Function REQUIRED Transparent nav bar to render on top of the toolbar
renderToolBar Function - Custom toolbar component (will override imageSource)
toolBarHeight Number 300 Height of the collpasible toolbar
translucentStatusBar Boolean false If true, will adjust the nav bar position for Android

All the ScrollView props are also supported.

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