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A jQuery & Html5 canvas based image player/viewer plugin which allows to view a sequence of images with play/pause/stop/forward/backward/fullscreen controls.

image-viewer Canvas



Image sequence player jQuery plugin with streaming and dynamic loading.


Add styles inside <head> tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/imgplay/jquery.imgplay.css" />

Add plugin at the bottom of the page after jQuery

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/imgplay/jquery.imgplay.min.js"></script>

List the set of images inside a container <div> so that payer can pick them and play.

<div id="imageplayer" class="imageplayer">     <img src="image1.jpg" />     <img src="image2.jpg" />     <img src="image3.jpg" />     <img src="image4.jpg" />     <img src="image5.jpg" />     <img data-src="image6.jpg" />     <img data-src="image7.jpg" />     <img data-src="image8.jpg" />     <img data-src="image9.jpg" />     <img data-src="image10.jpg" /> </div>

Notice that only from image1.jpg to image5.jpg are loaded when the page is loaded and other images have data-src attribute instead of the src attribute. This makes the player dynamically load these images while it plays images till image5.jpg.

Now invoke the player.

<script type="text/javascript">     (function($) {         $(document).ready(function() {             $('#imageplayer').imgplay({rate: 2}); // start imgplay         });     })(jQuery); </script>


Following options are currently available for configuring the plugin.

  • rate - Number of frames per second. Default is 1.
  • controls - Whether to show player controls. Default is true.


Following methods can be called on the player object to programatically control it's behaviour.

  • play() - Play the image sequence.
  • pause() - Pause the player.
  • stop() - Stop the player.
  • rewind(frames) - Jump number of frames backward.
  • forward(frames) - Jump number of frames forward.
  • fastRewind(rate) - Play backword at given rate.
  • fastForward(rate) - Play forword at given rate.
  • previousFrame() - Pause and jump to the previous frame.
  • nextFrame() - Pause and jump to the next frame.
  • toFrame(i) - Jump to the frame number i.
  • fullscreen() - Toggle fullscreen mode.

All the methods are simply callable through the data property of the container element after initialisation.



  • If you think the idea of imgplay is intersting just let me know That surely will be a push forward.
  • If you find a bug or a way we can improve imgplay, just open a new issue.
  • If you have fixed something or added new feature, just send a pull request.


MIT License. Please see LICENSE for license details.

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