jQuery ElevateZoom Plus Plugin
Current Version: 1.2.4
EZ Plus is an up-to-date jQuery image zoom plug-in based on EZ
- Fully Customisable
- Coloured Tints
- Fancybox-Plus and Colorbox Gallery Support
- Variable zoom on mouse scroll
- External Controls
- Window Zoom, Lens Zoom and Inner Zoom
- Touch support
- Free to use under MIT
- JQuery plug-in
- AngularJS directive available: angular-elevatezoom-plus
Supported Browsers
- Chrome
- IE7+
- Firefox
- Edge
- Safari
Via Bower:
bower install ez-plus
Via npm:
npm install ez-plus
In a browser:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/igorlino/elevatezoom-plus@1.2.3/src/jquery.ez-plus.js"></script>
Getting Started
Include jQuery and the plug-in on a page. Include your images and initialise the plug-in.
<img id="zoom_01" src='images/large/image1.png' /> <script> $('#zoom_01').ezPlus(); </script>
For more information on how to setup and customise, check the examples.
Do you have a question?
The issue tracker is for issues, in other words, bugs and suggestions. If you have a question, please use Stack Overflow, your favorite search engine, or other resources. Due to increased similar type of questions, we can no longer answer questions in the issue tracker.
Licensed under MIT license.