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Yet another jQuery date picker plugin that features custom date format, first day of the week, date range, max/min dates, multiple languages, keyboard navigation and many more.




A jQuery datepicker library


  1. Usage
  2. Required options
  3. Other options
  4. Keyboard navigation
  5. Responsive design
  6. Demo page


  • Include datepicker StyleSheet
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/libs/hw.datepicker/hw.datepicker.min.css">
  • Include dependency: jQuery
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
  • Include library's code
<script src="/libs/hw.datepicker/hw.datepicker.min.js"></script>
  • Initialize the datepicker for concrete input field and its trigger
<input type="text" id="hw_datepicker" /> <button id="hw_datepicker_trigger">pick</button>
  • And the initialization itself:
var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger') });  datePicker.init();

Required options


Type: object|jQuery|string

Input tag, which is related to the datepicker


Type: object|jQuery|string

Any HTML element by clicking on which datepicker appears

Other options


Type: object|jQuery|string

Default jQuery('body')

It is an HTML element, jQuery object or selector (e.g. class or id). Datepicker appears in this HTML element. I recommend to use parent element as a container, to make "tab" navigation work properly. However in most cases it is impossible, because parent might have styles which impact the datepicker, for example overflow: hidden

var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger'),     container: $('#hw_datepicker').parent() });  datePicker.init();

minDate, maxDate

Type: Date

Default: null

Minimum and maximum date between which dates can be picked.

var minDate = new Date(); minDate.setDate(minDate.getDate() - 60);  var maxDate = new Date(); maxDate.setDate(maxDate.getDate() + 1);  var selectedDate = new Date(); selectedDate.setDate(selectedDate.getDate() - 90);  var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger'),     minDate: minDate,     maxDate: maxDate }); datePicker.init();


Type: Boolean

Default: false

The week start with Sunday by default. To make it start from Monday, set this parameter to true.

var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger'),    startWithMonday: true }); datePicker.init();


Type: String

Default: dd.mm.yyyy

By default date format is "dd.mm.yyyy". However datepicker support different date formats: mm/dd/yyyy, yyyy-m-d etc. yyyy - is a 4 digit year, mm - 2 digits month, single single m - 1 or 2 digits month, dd - 2 digits day, single d - 1 or 2 digits day.

var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger'),     formatDate: 'mm/dd/yyyy' });  datePicker.init();


Type: Array

Default: []

Event Type Description
onOpen This event fires when datepicker appears, no matter is it the appearance or has been already closed.
onSelect This event fires when user picks the date. It accepts 1 parameter - initial jQuery click event.
onMonthChange This event fires when user changes month. It accepts 2 parameters: Date object and initial jQuery click event.
onClose This event fires when datepicker disappears. It accepts 1 parameter - initial jQuery click event.
onDateFocus This event fires when you focus any date. It accepts 2 parameter - initial jQuery click event and the date, which is focused.
onDestroy This event fires in the "destroy" method before the destruction.
var datePicker = new DatePicker({     input: $('#hw_datepicker'),     trigger: $('#hw_datepicker_trigger'),     events: {         onMonthChange: function(){             alert('Month changed');         },         onSelect: function(){             alert('Date selected.');         },         onOpen: function(){             alert('Opened.');         },         onClose: function(){             alert('Closed.');         },         onDateFocus: function(){             alert('Date focused.');         },         onDestroy: function(){             alert('Datepicker does not exist anymore.');         }     } });  datePicker.init();


Type: object


{     'prevMonth': 'Previous month',     'nextMonth': 'Next month',     'monthName': ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],     'weekNameFull': ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'],     'weekNameShort': ['Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa', 'Su'],     'currentDate': 'Current date',     'selectedDate': 'Selected date',     'currentMonth': 'Current month',     'lastAvailableDate': 'Last available date',     'firstAvailableDate': 'First available date',     'notAvailable': 'Date is not available',     'description': 'datepicker' }

Keyboard navigation

Datepicker supports keyboard navigation

Key Action
Arrow left next date
Arrow right previous date
Arrow up 1 week back
Arrow down 1 week ahead
Home first day of the month
End last day of the month
Page up 1 month back
Page down 1 month ahead
Enter select current date
Space select current date
Esc close the datepicker
Tab next date until the end of the current month
Shift+Tab previous date until the very first day of the month and to the buttons, which change month

Responsive design

By default calendar appears under the input field. If there is not enough space, but the page can be scrolled down, it would be scrolled. Otherwise, calendar appears above the input field. Datepicker also adjusts its position horizontally. By default left border of calendar is on the same line as left border of input field. If the screen is too small, calendar shrinks and takes full width.

Demo page



Dmytro Dzyuba


Copyright © 2017 Dmytro Dzyuba. Software released under MIT License.

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