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An Angular 2+ datepicker component that animate, can have multiple calendars next to each other, has no dependencies

Calendar Plugins


Animating Angular Datepicker

An Animating Datepicker for Angular 2+. For some smooth date picking :). Including range functionality, multiple calendars next to each other and loads of other functionality. Checkout the Demo page for a preview.

Want an improvement or found bug? please use the pull request functionality or create an issue.

Some existing- and upcoming features

  • Directive
  • Reactive Forms Support
  • Multiple Calendars next to each other
  • Composable footer
  • Themable
  • Multi Languages support using Intl.DateTimeFormat
  • Animations
  • i18n
  • Keyboard control
  • ...


To install go through the following steps

  1. npm install ngx-animating-datepicker --save -- or -- yarn add ngx-animating-datepicker
  2. Add AaDatepickerModule to your module imports:
import {AaDatepickerModule} from  'ngx-animating-datepicker';  @NgModule({  ...  imports: [    ...    AaDatepickerModule  ] }

Basic Usage

Implement the datepicker component in one of the following ways

1. Inline Animatepicker

Implement aa-animatepicker component inline

<aa-animatepicker 	[options]="datepickerOptions" 	[(selectedDates)]="dates"></aa-animatepicker>

2. As Directive

Implement datepicker as a directive

<input   	type="text"   	value="dates | date"  	[options]="datepickerOptions"  	[(selectedDates)]="dates"  	aaDatepicker="directiveOptions" />


The options can be used for the inline- as well as the directive implementation.

In the following example you'll see the default options:

datepickerOptions: Options = { 	selectMultiple: false, // Select multiple dates 	closeOnSelect: false, // Close datepicker when date(s) selected 	animationSpeed: 400, // Animation speed in ms 	easing: 'ease-in', // Easing type string 	hideRestDays: false, // Hide the rest days 	disableRestDays: true, // Disable the click on rest days 	hideNavigation: false, // Hide the navigation 	range: false, // Use range functionality 	currentDate: new Date(), // Tne current displayed date (month, year) 	timeoutBeforeClosing: 5000, // The timeout / delay before closing 	weekdayFormat: 'short', // "narrow", "short", "long" 	weekStart: 'monday' // Set the week start day };

Directive options

These options can be used only on the directive like so

<input aaDatepicker="directiveOptions" />

In the following example you'll see the default options

directiveOptions: DirectiveOptions = { 	appendToBody: true, // Append Datepicker to body 	openDirection: 'bottom', // The direction it should open to 	closeOnBlur: true  // Close the datepicker onBlur 	useAnimatePicker: true // Use the regular datepicker or the animating one };


The following inputs are available for the Animatepicker

 @Input() minDate: Date; // Disables dates until this date  @Input() maxDate: Date; // Disables dates from this date  @Input() language: string; // Set the locale string. Example: nl-NL  @Input() numberOfMonths: number; // Number of months shown next to eachother  @Input() selectedDates: Date | Date\[\]; // Also a @Output (two-way data bindend)  @Input() theme: string; // Theme string is added to the host  @Input() isOpen: boolean; // The open state

Directive @input's()

All the above @Input's() can be used with the directive implementation as well. Additionally, you can use these @Input's() for the directive. The assigned values are the default ones:

@Input() appendToBody = true; // Append Datepicker to the body else append to directive @Input() openDirection = 'bottom'  // 'top', 'left', 'right', 'bottom' @Input() closeOnBlur = true; // Close datepicker on blur


You can add a footer or header to the datepicker by adding a <footer> or <header> element between the tags.

<aa-animatepicker 	[options]="datepickerOptions" 	[(selectedDates)]="dates"> 	<header (click)="someLogic()">put your logic here</header> 	<footer (click)="someLogic()">put your logic here</footer> </aa-animatepicker>

Regular Datepicker Component

The Animatepicker is an extension of the regular datepicker component. Don't want all that fancy animations? Then this is exactly what you need. Use aa-datepicker to implement in your component

"Advanced" Usage

Control the datepicker programmatically

You can also control the datepicker programmatically from within your component by using ViewChild(). Like so:

 @ViewChild('demoDatepicker') demoDatepicker: AnimatepickerComponent;   close(){   this.demoDatepicker.close();  }   open(){   this.demoDatepicker.open();  }    next(){   this.demoDatepicker.goToNextMonth();  }   previous(){   this.demoDatepicker.goToPreviousMonth();  }

And in your template:

<aa-animatepicker #demoDatepicker></aa-animatepicker>

Include your component in the datepicker

Implement your custom component into the datepicker by using the ng-content located on the bottom of the datepicker

<aa-animatepicker #demoDatepicker>     <app-custom-component></app-custom-component> </aa-animatepicker>

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