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A React Native animated header component for iOS and Android.

Others React Native


Version NPM


Collapsing toolbar for Android and iOS


npm install --save react-native-animated-header or yarn add react-native-animated-header


iOS iPhone X


import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Text, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import { Icon } from 'native-base'; import AnimatedHeader from 'react-native-animated-header'; import Bg from './assets/bg.jpg';  getListItems = count => {   const items = [];   let i = 0;    while (i < count) {     i++;     items.push(       <View key={i} style={{ backgroundColor: i % 2 === 0 ? '#eee5ff' : '#ceebfd', height: 64 }}>         <Text style={{ color: '#999' }}>{`List Item ${i}`}</Text>       </View>     );   }    return items; };  export default class App extends Component {    render() {     return (       <AnimatedHeader          style={{flex: 1 }}         backText='Back'         title='Happy coding'         renderLeft={() => (<Icon name='arrow-back' style={{ marginLeft: 20 }} />)}         renderRight={() => (<Icon name='add' style={{ marginRight: 20 }} />)}         backStyle={{ marginLeft: 10 }}         backTextStyle={{fontSize: 14, color: '#000'}}         titleStyle={{ fontSize: 22, left: 20, bottom: 20, color: '#000' }}         headerMaxHeight={200}         imageSource={Bg}         toolbarColor='#FFF'         disabled={false}       >         <ScrollView>           {getListItems(20)}         </ScrollView>       </AnimatedHeader>     );   }   } 


name description type isOptional default
backText Back text, leave it empty to hide String Yes undefined
title Header title String Yes undefined
renderLeft To render icon on the left Function Yes undefined
renderRight To render icon on the right Function Yes undefined
backStyle Style of back container Object Yes { marginLeft: 10 }
backTextStyle Style of back text Object Yes { fontSize: 16 }
titleStyle Style of title, use left and bottom for positioning the text Object Yes { fontSize: 20, left: 40, bottom: 30 }
toolbarColor Toolbar background color String Yes #FFF
headerMaxHeight Height of header when expanded Number Yes 200
disabled Do not allow header to collapse Boolean Yes false
noBorder Hide header separator Boolean Yes false
imageSource Image background for header Image Yes undefined
parallax Use parallax effect Boolean Yes false


AnimatedHeader only accept 1 child, ScrollView or FlatList

Copyright and License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 maphongba008

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