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A draggable, nestable, sortable, touchable list component for Angular 4 and beyond.Features:Drag and DropSortingEvents (drag, drop, over, out) // TODONestingTouch support // TODO

Drag_Drop Plugins


Angular Nestable List


Nestable list for Angular4 and beyond. This is a Angular adaptation of Jquery Nestable library. Demo


  • Drag and Drop
  • Sorting
  • Events (drag, drop, over, out) // TODO
  • Nesting
  • Touch support // TODO


npm i ngx-nestable --save 



import { NestableModule } from 'ngx-nestable';  @NgModule({   imports: [NestableModule],   bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule {}


  public options = {     fixedDepth: true   } as NestableSettings;   public list = [     { 'id': 1 },     {       'expanded': true,       'id': 2, 'children': [         { 'id': 3 },         { 'id': 4 },         {           'expanded': false,           'id': 5, 'children': [             { 'id': 6 },             { 'id': 7 },             { 'id': 8 }           ]         },         { 'id': 9 },         { 'id': 10 }       ]     },     { 'id': 11 }   ];


  <ngx-nestable [(list)]="list" [options]="options" [template]="itemTemplate">   </ngx-nestable>      <ng-template #itemTemplate let-row>     <button mat-icon-button [ngxNestableDragHandle]="row">       <mat-icon>drag_handle</mat-icon>     </button>          <button mat-icon-button *ngIf="row.item.children && row.item.children.length; else empty_item" [ngxNestableExpandCollapse]="row">       <mat-icon>{{row.item.$$expanded ? 'keyboard_arrow_down' : 'keyboard_arrow_right'}}       </mat-icon>     </button>          <div>Item: {{row.item.id}}</div>   </ng-template>    <ng-template #empty_item>     <span style="width: 40px"></span>   </ng-template>



Name Type Default Descirption
list Array Items which will be displayed in tree
template TemplateRef HTML template for tree item. Inside this template you can place directives (ngxNestableDragHandle and ngxNestableExpandCollapse). That will describe the custom look and position of these elements. Otherwise, the default functions are applied.


Name Type Default Descirption
fixedDepth boolean false Constaint items to keep their initial depth
maxDepth number 5 Maximum nested depth
threshold number 20 Distance in px after which horizontal movement (nesting) is applied. Also gives padding to the tree.
disableDrag boolean false Disable/enable drag event
template TemplateRef HTML template for tree item. Inside this template you can place directives (ngxNestableDragHandle and ngxNestableExpandCollapse). That will describe the custom look and position of these elements, otherwise the default functions are applied.


Name Type Descirption
drag void Emits event when item drag is started
drop void Emits event when item is dropped
disclosure void Emits event when item expand/collapse state is changed


  • Petar Markov - Initial work - Speculees
  • Mihajlo Grubjesic - Initial work - Comi89
  • Zlatomir Darabuc - Initial work - zlaayaa


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


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