jQuery Responsive 3D Carousel - jR3DCarousel by Vinayak Rangnathrao Jadhav
jR3DCarousel is a derived from the origin project - jRCarousel
jR3DCarousel is a jQuery plugin for responsive 3d carousel with modern effects and multiple options.
- Modern effects
- Responsive
- Fullscreen Carousel
- Tiny plugin (gzipped ~ 2.33KB, uncompressed ~ 7.29KB)
- Keyboard navigation & mouse drag slide support
- Touch devices navigation support
- Infinite scroll
- Multiple slideLayouts to maintain aspect ratio of images
- Minimal configuration, easy to install
- Useful public API for extending the functionalities like custom nav buttons.
Live Demo
Click here for Live Demo.
Using npm
npm install jr3dcarousel
Using bower
bower install jR3DCcarousel Or bower install jr3dcarousel
old school way
<!-- add jQuery if not already present in your project -->
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js'></script>
<!-- add jR3DCarousel plugin -->
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/vinayakjadhav/jR3DCarousel/v1.0.0/dist/jR3DCarousel.min.js"></script>
Setup images source
var slides = [ {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/768'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/761'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/762'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/763'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/764'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/765'}, {src: 'http://lorempixel.com//1366/766'} ];
Minimal configuration with defaults
var myjR3DCarousel = $('.jR3DCarouselGallery').jR3DCarousel({ slides: slides });
Configuring all available options
$('.jR3DCarouselGallery').jR3DCarousel({ width :1349, /* largest allowed width */ height: 668, /* largest allowed height */ slides : [{},{}], /* array of images source, optional in case of custom template */ slideLayout : 'fill', /* "contain"-fit as per to aspect ratio | "fill"-stretches to fill | "cover"-overflows but maintains ratio */ perspective: 0, /* perspective - default is dynamic, perpendicular */ animation: 'slide3D', /* slide | slide3D | scroll | scroll3D | fade */ animationCurve: 'ease', /* ease | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | linear | bezier */ animationDuration: 700, /* duration of animation transition in milliseconds */ animationInterval: 2000, /* interval between transitions or per slide show time in milliseconds */ autoplay: true, /* start playing Carousel continuously, pauses when slide is hovered */ controls: true, /* control buttons */ slideClass: 'jR3DCarouselSlide',/* name of the class of slides in custom template */ navigation: 'circles', /* circles | squares | '' */ rotationDirection: 'rtl', /* rtl - right to left | ltr - left to right */ onSlideShow: function(){} /* callback when slide show event occurs */ });
Images source provided in javascript
<div class="jR3DCarouselGallery"></div> var myjR3DCarousel = $('.jR3DCarouselGallery').jR3DCarousel({ slides: slides });
Slides using custom template by adding some class e.g. mySlide
<div class="jR3DCarouselGallery"> <div class="mySlide"><img src="http://lorempixel.com//800/351" /></div> <div class="mySlide"><img src="http://lorempixel.com//800/352" /></div> <div class="mySlide"><img src="http://lorempixel.com//800/353" /></div> <div class="mySlide"><img src="http://lorempixel.com//800/354" /></div> <div class="mySlide"><img src="http://lorempixel.com//800/355" /></div> </div> var myjR3DCarousel = $('.jR3DCarouselGallery').jR3DCarousel({ slideClass: 'mySlide', });
Public API
showSlide(slideIndex) :
shows the slide specified by the slideIndex by running animation, the slideIndex starts from 0.
showPreviousSlide() :
shows the previous slide from current slide by running animation
showNextSlide() :
shows the slide specified by the slideIndex by running animation
getSlideByIndex(slideIndex) :
returns the slide's jquery object specified by the slideIndex
getCurrentSlide() :
returns the current slide's jQuery object
playCarousel() :
starts the carousel & plays on
pauseCarousel() :
pauses the carousel
Sample Usage of public API
var myjR3DCarousel = $('.jR3DCarouselGallery').jR3DCarousel({ slides: slides }); myjR3DCarousel.showSlide(0); myjR3DCarousel.showPreviousSlide(); myjR3DCarousel.showNextSlide(); myjR3DCarousel.playCarousel(); myjR3DCarousel.pauseCarousel(); var slide = myjR3DCarousel.getSlideByIndex(1); var currentSlide = myjR3DCarousel.getCurrentSlide();