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A jQuery parallax plugin which utilizes the CSS position properties to create a simple, fast parallax effect on background images.

parallax scrolling




A lightweight, easy-to-use, jQuery plugin for adding a simple vertical parallax background


Tested successfully with jQuery versions and browsers listed below :

  • jQuery v1.7.0 to v1.12.4
  • jQuery v2.0.0 to v2.2.4
  • jQuery v3.0.0 and v3.1.0


  • Google Chrome (v52)
  • Mozilla Firefox (v48)
  • Microsoft Edge (v38)
  • Opera (v39)


Plugin licensed under the CC BY-ND 2.0 license


EasyParallax requires only jQuery main library to work.

<script src="/path/to/js/files/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/js/files/jquery.easyparallax-1.0.0.js"></script> 

Simple usage

To add a parallax background behind a container, you have to add only a "data-bg" attribute (including the path to the image to display) and active the plugin using a class or an id attribute.

<div class="container" data-bg="/url/to/bg/image"> 	Your content </div>  <script> 	$('.container').easyParallax(); </script> 

To go even farther


EasyParallax plugin offers several options to customize it. Theses options must be passed when the plugin is instancied.

Option name Values availables Default value Description
debug true, false false Display some debug informations in browser console
alignment 'left', 'center', 'right' 'center' Set the horizontal alignment of the bg compared to the width browser value. Active only if the background width value is bigger than the browser width value
effectAmount [numeric] 400 Set the minimal height value (in pixels) used for executing the parallax effect
effectThreshold [numeric] 0 Set the minimal value of the width browser where the parallax effect works. The bg image has just covering the container under this value
isReady [callback function] Function called when the bg image is completely loaded, placed and when the parallax function is set to on. "this" enable to target the div element including the background image


EasyParallax plugin enables you also to set many backgrounds images to a container and to display each following the width browser value :

<div class="container" data-bg="/url/to/bg/image1" data-bg500="/url/to/bg/image2" data-bg1000="/url/to/bg/image3"></div> 

In this example :

  • 'image1' is displayed when the browser width value is under 500px (excluded),
  • 'image2' is displayed when the browser width value is between 500px (included) and 1000px (excluded),
  • 'image3' is displayed when the browser width value is above 1000px (included).

You can add 'data-bg[numeric]' attributes as much as you want. Pay just attention to respect the right syntax and not add several times the same attribute (because the last attribute erase the previous one !).

Full demonstration

This example include :

  • the managment of two background images, a static one for the small devices and a second one when plugin is activated (above 600px),
  • a fade-in effect on the background images when ready (thanks to the great Daniel Eden's css library available here : https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/)
// in .php  or .html file <html> 	<head> 		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" rel="/path/to/js/files/animate.css" /> 		<style> 			.container {position:relative; width:100%; height:300px;} 			.easyparallax {opacity:0;} 		</style> 	</head> 	<body> 		<div class="container"  			data-bg="/path/to/img/image1.jpg"  			data-bg600="/path/to/img/image2.jpg">  		</div> 		 		<script src="/path/to/js/files/jquery.js"></script> 		<script src="/path/to/js/files/jquery.easyparallax-1.0.0.js"></script> 	</body> </html>  // in .js attached file $('.container').easyParallax({ 	alignment : 'right', 	effectAmount : 280, 	effectThreshold : 600, 	isReady : function(){ 		this.addClass('animated fadeIn'); 	} }); 

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