Element Parallax
I created a Parallax jQuery for a project I'm working on right now. All the one's I found online only worked for background images so in the typical developer way, I created my own.
This coding will allow you to use either an image or video as the parallax background.
<div id="hero" data-type="parallax" data-prlx-parent="true"> <div class="parallax-background"> <img class="image" src="http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/lavender-field-sunset-stunning-landscape-40631568.jpg" data-prlx-type="sprite" data-size="fullsize" data-prlx-speed="0.3"> </div> �<div class="hero-content" data-fadeout="true" data-prlx-type="sprite" data-prlx-speed="0.6"> <h2>Here's a bunch of content that will fade out on scroll</h2> </div> </div>