yet another jquery plugin to put a loading icon and backdrop into a specified element. right now, it supports css3 and image animations.
latest version - 1.1
- $("body").loadingimagethingy({ animation: "circleg", imageWidth: 150, imageHeight: 32 }).loadingimagethingy("enable");
- $("#someDiv").loadingimagethingy("enable");
- $("body").loadingimagethingy("disable");
- overlayBackgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", // the background color of the overlay in any format you want
- imageType: "css3", // css3|image
- imagePath: "", // either null or the path as string
- imageHeight: 80, // image height as int (normally at 128, bubbling best set at 80, circleg at 32)
- imageWidth: 128, // image width as int (normally 128, circleg best at 150, floatingbarsg best at 103)
- animation: "bubbling", // floatingcircles|circularg|bubbling|circleg|floatingbarsg
- messageHeightOffset: 50, // hack to get text under positioned image
- message: "" // the text under the animation (if any)