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Waiting.js is a jQuery loading indication plugin used to generate a highly configurable loading spinner & overlay on the whole page or over a specific DOM element.

loading-spinner loading-overlay



Creates loading/waiting mask over element

Tested on IE 7+ and FireFox. Not tested on Chrome or Safari yet.

Browser Status
IE 7, 8, 9 Works
IE 10 & 11 Untested
FF31 Works
Chrome Untested


  //Creates a waiting masking and spinner over the element   $('#elementID').waiting();
  //Stops the spinner   $('#elementID').waiting('pause');
  //Starts the spinner back up   $('#elementID').waiting('play');
  //Removes the spinner   $('#elementID').waiting('done');


Type: PlainObject
A set of key/value pairs that configure the Waiting widget. All settings are optional.
size (default: 0)
Type: Int
Radius of spinner. If zero, or larger than target, spinner fills element. Can specify for element to be smaller than target.
quantity (default: 10)
Type: Int
Specifies the number of dots to generate.
dotSize (default: 6)
Type: Int
Specifies the radius of the dots to generate.
enableReverse (default: true)
Type: Boolean
If true clicking the element/mask reverses the spinner.
waitMovementIncrementer (default: 1)
Type: Int
Determines the direction of the spinner. Runs clockwise be default. Negative is counter-clockwise.
light (default: false)
Type: Boolean
Determines is the light/blue color theme is used or not.
fullScreen (default: false)
Type: Boolean
Determines if the mask should target the entire screen instead of just the target element.
speed (default: 100)
Type: Int
Number of milliseconds between color changes. Lower number equates to faster changes.
circleCount (default: 1)
Type: Int
Determines the number of circles to display on target element. Each circle of dots will contain the same number of dots specified by quantity.
tailPercent (default: 0.25)
Type: Double
Determines the percent of dots to use can trailing gradients.

Future endeavours

  • Move inline styles to css
  • Finish browser testing
  • Add example page
  • Add documentation

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