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loader.js is an easy, small JQuery plugin to create a loading indicator that works with web pages and specific Html elements.

loading-spinner loading-overlay


jQuery.loader Plugin - v 1.0

Display a loader on your page or HTML block element.

Project site: http://monkeymonk.github.com/jquery.loader.js/

Demo: http://monkeymonk.be/jquery.loader.js/demo/



First of all, include jquery.loader.js (1.526 kb), jquery.loader.min.css (1.135 kb) and loader.gif (3.866 kb) in your HTML then start to use jQuery.loader.

$(document).ready(function() {     $('body').loader('show');      setTimeout(function () {          $('body').loader('hide');      }, 2000); });


{     className: 'loader',      tpl: '<div class="{className} hide"><div class="{className}-load"></div><div class="{className}-overlay"></div></div>',      delay: 200,     loader: true,       // if true, you can hide the loader by clicking on it     overlay: true,      // display or not the overlay      // Callback     onHide: function () {},     onShow: function () {} }


jQuery().loader('show', options);

jQuery.loader use a tiny template system that let you an easy way to customize your loader.

$('body').load('show', {     onHide: function () {         // do something...     } }); 

jQuery().loader('hide', onHide);

Hide the loader


Browsers: Tested and Working In

  • IE 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Firefox 3+
  • Opera 10+
  • Safari 4+

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