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A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that displays a stylish, configurable and CS33 animated spinner / indicator while loading some data for user feedback.

loading-spinner loading-indicator



Build Status

Show a "loading" indicator while element (could be text, image and so on) is loading from server

Docs and demo

  1. http://trungk18.github.io/jquery-loading/

  2. http://codepen.io/trungk18/pen/wWoLYR

Getting started

Install it, using Bower:

$ bower install jquery-loading-indicator

Include it:

<!-- jQuery --> <script src="js/vendor/jquery-3.1.0.min/index.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery-loading.js"></script>  <!-- Include the CSS file to use the plugin default themes and loaders --> <link href="css/jquery-loading.css" rel="stylesheet">

Use it:

  • Init loading
$('#loading').loading({ circles: 3 });
  • Hide loading indicator from its container.
$('#loading').loading({ hide: true});
  • Destroy loading indicator from its container from the DOM.
$('#loading').loading({ destroy: true });

Available options

$('#loading').loading({     overlay: false, // add an overlay background     width: null, // set fixed width to loading indicator, otherwise calculated relative to element     indicatorHtml: "<div class='js-loading-indicator' style='display: none;'></div>",     overlayHtml: "<div class='js-loading-overlay' style='display: none;'></div>",     base: 0.9, // indicator's width/height relative to element     circles: 3, // number of indicator circles: maximum is 3     top: null, //indicator position relative to the top of its container     left: null, //indicator position relative to the left of its container     hide: false, // hide the indicator of the current element     destroy: false //remove the indicator from the DOM });

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