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ajax-loading.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically listens for AJAX events and displays a GIF based loading spinner.

loading-spinner ajax



a simple ajax loading animation for jquery and Zepto Demo

Simple Usage

must include jQuery or Zepto file and ajax-loading.js

<script src="/path/to/ajax-loading.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">   //init: automatic monitoring ajax events   var loading = $.loading();    //enable and disable listening ajax events   loading.ajax(true);//enable   loading.ajax(false);//disable    //manual show the loading view   loading.open();//not close   loading.open(1000);//auto close view after 1 seconds    //manual close the loading view   loading.close();  </script>


<script type="text/javascript">    //init    $.loading({         //wrap div         //set the loading html wrap tag id         id         : 'ajaxLoading',         //wrap tag z-index         zIndex     : '1000',         //wrap tag background         background : 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)',         //min show time         minTime    : 200,         //wrap tag border-radius         radius     : '4px',         //wrap width         width      : '85px',         height     : '85px',          //loading img/gif         imgPath    : '/assets/img/img.gif',         imgWidth   : '45px',         imgHeight  : '45px',          //loading text         tip        : 'loading...',         //text font size         fontSize   : '14px',         //text font color         fontColor  : '#fff'    }); </script>

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