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Modaly is a lightweight, fast jQuery plugin that makes it easier to display modal windows on your webpages.

Modal popup


Modaly - A Tiny Modal

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Modaly is a jquery plugin that generates a tiny modal window.

Required Files

  • jquery.modaly.css
  • jquery.modaly.js


attribute:    'href'           // Changes the anchor's attribute. block:        false            // Prevents the modal to open. closeButton:  true             // Show the close button. closeOverlay: true             // Enable close modal clicking on overlay. closeTarget:  '.modaly__close' // Hook of the close button. esc:          true             // Enable the key esc to close the modal. overlay:      .5               // Overlay applied on overlay. prevent:      true             // Prevent the click action on binded element. speed:        200              // Speed to open and close the modal. top:          undefined        // Distance between top of window and the modal. visible:      false            // Keeps the modal visible on screen.


<div id="modal">   <span class="modaly__close">x</span> </div>
<a href="#modal">open</a>


Callbacks are triggered over the modal element.

'modaly:opened': triggered when modaly is opened. 'modaly:closed': triggered when modaly is closed.


$('a').modaly('open');                   // Open the modal.  $('a').modaly('open', { key: 'value' }); // Open and add params at modal.  $('a').modaly('close');                  // Close the modal.  $('a').modaly('close', ['key']);         // Close and removes keys data from modal.  $('a').modaly('block', boolean);         // Block or unblock the modal.

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