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The unassuming touch-enabled JavaScript slideshow.Showcase anything. You’re not limited to images: any markup will do.Touch-enabled. Swipe away on your iPad, iPhone, Android device, or anything touch-enabled.Style-it-yourself. The default CSS has nothing in it except laying out your slides side-by-side. You’d be in charge of figuring out how to add borders or anything else you like.Hardware-accelerated. Animations are done via CSS transitions, which will render smoothly on mobile devices. It will automatically fall back to frame-by-frame animation when transitions aren’t available.

CSS Plugins Slider



The unassuming touch-enabled JavaScript slideshow. Requires jQuery 1.8.

  • Showcase anything. You're not limited to images: any markup will do.
  • Touch-enabled. Swipe away on your iPad, iPhone, Android device, or anything touch-enabled.
  • Style-it-yourself. The default CSS has nothing in it except laying out your slides side-by-side. You'd be in charge of figuring out how to add borders or anything else you like.
  • Hardware-accelerated. Animations are done via CSS transitions, which will render smoothly on mobile devices. It will automatically fall back to frame-by-frame animation when transitions aren't available.

More features!

  • Auto-pauses on hover
  • Percent-based width slideshows are supported
  • Graceful degradation (shows slide #1 when JS isn't available)
  • Auto-advance can be turned on/off (autostart)
  • Configurable, like... totally
  • Can be controlled via JavaScript

How to use

How to use

Follow the HTML markup guide (see below), then use the sample CSS (also listed below). Then just fire $('...').swipeshow().

HTML markup

Simply create an element that includes the class swipeshow and contains some slides.

Swipeshow goes by the assumption that your slideshow element looks like .slides > .slide. You are free to put other elements inside .slide or .swipeshow.

<div class="my-gallery swipeshow">   <ul class="slides">     <li class="slide"> ... </li>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>   </ul> </div>

In this example, we used the class my-gallery swipeshow: where my-gallery is a unique name we gave our slideshow so we can style it later.


Define the dimensions of your slideshow. For responsive layouts, you may also use percent-based widths (width: 100%).

.my-gallery {   width: 200px;   height: 200px; }


...and that's it!

<link rel='stylesheet' href='jquery.swipeshow.css'> <script src='jquery.swipeshow.js'></script>
$(function() {   $(".my-gallery").swipeshow(); });


All these options are optional.

$(".my-gallery").swipeshow({   autostart: true,    /* Set to `false` to keep it steady */   interval: 3000,     /* Time between switching slides (ms) */   initial: 0,         /* First slide's index */   speed: 700,         /* Animation speed (ms) */   friction: 0.3,      /* Bounce-back behavior; use `0` to disable */   mouse: true,        /* enable mouse dragging controls */   keys: true,         /* enable left/right keyboard keys */    onactivate: function(){},   onpause: function(){}, });

The onactivate hook is called when you first initialize swipeshow, and again each time a swipe event occurs. The method receives the following arguments:

  • current slide (DOM object)
  • current slide index
  • previous slide (DOM object)
  • previous slide index

Next/previous buttons

Add some buttons with the class .next and .previous inside .swipeshow. They will work as expected. (style them yourself)

<div class="my-gallery swipeshow">   <ul class="slides">     <li class="slide"> ... </li>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>   </ul>    <!-- optional controls: -->   <button class="next"></button>   <button class="previous"></button> </div>

If you prefer them to be elsewhere, you can pass them as jQuery objects to the options:

$(".my-gallery").swipeshow({   $next: $("button.next"),   $previous: $("button.previous") });


To have dots, simply have a .dots container after the .slides:

<div class="my-gallery swipeshow">   <ul class="slides">     <li class="slide"> ... </il>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>     <li class="slide"> ... </li>   </ul>    <!-- optional controls: -->   <div class='dots'></div> </div>

They will be populated like so:

<div class='dots active'></div>   <button class='dot-item'><span class='dot' data-number='1'></button>   <button class='dot-item'><span class='dot' data-number='2'></button>   <button class='dot-item active'><span class='dot' data-number='3'></button> </div>

If you would prefer them to be elsewhere in your markup, just pass an object to $dots in the options:

$(".my-gallery").swipeshow({   $dots: $("div.dots") });

Controlling the slideshow

Access them using $(".my-gallery").swipeshow():

$(".my-gallery").swipeshow().next(); $(".my-gallery").swipeshow().previous(); $(".my-gallery").swipeshow().goTo(2);  $(".my-gallery").swipeshow().pause(); $(".my-gallery").swipeshow().start();

Magic classes

Your markup gets additional CSS classes depending on things. This allows you to style more stuff via CSS.

  • .swipeshow
    • has the touch class when touch is on, or no-touch on desktops.
    • has running when the slideshow is auto-advancing.
    • has paused when the slideshow is paused (like on hover).
    • has swipeshow-active after Swipeshow is initialized.
  • .slides
    • has the gliding class when it's gliding.
    • has the grabbed class when it's currently being dragged.
  • .slide
    • has the active class when it's the selected one.
  • <html>
    • has the swipeshow-grabbed class when grabbing a slide.

Unbinding Swipeshow

You can destroy a Swipeshow by doing:


This is different from .swipeshow().pause() in that it unbinds all events and destroys any trace of there ever been a slideshow.

This is useful if you want to, say, re-initialize the slideshow with new items (since you can't change items while a slideshow is happening).


Need more control over your slideshow? Use Cycler.js: a very simple library for doing slideshow animations. It is bundled with swipeshow, and is also available separately.

It lets you define all behavior yourself and just provides you a model-like interface to manage the slides and timers.


You may also want to try other libraries. These libraries also support touch, swipe, and mobile-friendly transitions:


Some known limitations:

  • It's assumed that the length of slides are fixed. You can't add or remove new slides while a slideshow is running.

To get around these limitations, you can always destroy a swipeshow by using .unswipeshow() and re-initializing it.


  • Only horizontal scrolling is supported. (Seriously, a vertical slideshow is silly)



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