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A configurable sprite sheet animation library for React Native app.

Animation React Native



A sprite sheet animation library for React Native



npm install --save rn-sprite-sheet


import SpriteSheet from 'rn-sprite-sheet';


  1. Create ref for SpriteSheet
  2. Set the source (must be required; { uri } will not work)
  3. Specify the columns and rows (each frame must be the same size)
  4. Create animations object (each key is an animation name and their value should be an array of frame indexes)
  5. Play an animation by calling the play method on a SpriteSheet reference and pass it a config object with at least a type property


<SpriteSheet   ref={ref => (this.mummy = ref)}   source={require('./assets/mummy.png')}   columns={9}   rows={6}   // height={200} // set either, none, but not both   // width={200}   imageStyle={{ marginTop: -1 }}   animations={{     walk: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17],     appear: Array.from({ length: 15 }, (v, i) => i + 18),     die: Array.from({ length: 21 }, (v, i) => i + 33)   }} />; // ... play = config => this.mummy.play(config);


To be called on a SpriteSheet reference

play({   type, // (required) name of the animation (name is specified as a key in the animation prop)   fps = 24, // frames per second   loop = false, // if true, replays animation after it finishes   resetAfterFinish = false, // if true, the animation will reset back to the first frame when finished; else will remain on the last frame when finished   onFinish = () => {} // called when the animation finishes; will not work when loop === true })  stop(callback)


static propTypes = {   source: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // source must be required; { uri } will not work   columns: PropTypes.number.isRequired,   rows: PropTypes.number.isRequired,   animations: PropTypes.object.isRequired, // see example   viewStyle: stylePropType, // styles for the sprite sheet container   imageStyle: stylePropType, // styles for the sprite sheet   height: PropTypes.number, // set either height, width, or none,   width: PropTypes.number, // but not both height and width   onLoad: PropTypes.func };  static defaultPropTypes = {   columns: 1,   rows: 1,   animations: {} };

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