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JavaScript implementation of a view container that can flip between its front and back.

Animation React Native



JavaScript implementation of a view container that can flip between its front and back




npm install react-native-flip-view


var React = require('react-native');  var {   View,   Easing,   TouchableOpacity,   Text,   Component,   } = React;  var FlipView = require('react-native-flip-view');  export default class Demo extends Component {   constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = { isFlipped: false };   }    render = () => {     return (       <FlipView style={{flex: 1}}                 front={this._renderFront()}                 back={this._renderBack()}                 isFlipped={this.state.isFlipped}                 onFlipped={(val) => {console.log('Flipped: ' + val);}}                 flipAxis="y"                 flipEasing={Easing.out(Easing.ease)}                 flipDuration={500}                 perspective={1000}/>     );   };    _renderFront = () => {     return (       <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#81D4FA', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>         <TouchableOpacity style={{backgroundColor: 'black', padding: 20}} onPress={this._flip}>           <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>Flip to Back!</Text>         </TouchableOpacity>       </View>     );   };    _renderBack = () => {     return (       <View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#1565C0', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>         <TouchableOpacity style={{backgroundColor: 'black', padding: 20}} onPress={this._flip}>           <Text style={{fontSize: 32, color: 'white'}}>Flip to Front!</Text>         </TouchableOpacity>       </View>     );   };    _flip = () => {     this.setState({isFlipped: !this.state.isFlipped});   }; }


{   "retainLines": true,   "whitelist": [     "es6.arrowFunctions",     "es6.blockScoping",     "es6.classes",     "es6.constants",     "es6.destructuring",     "es6.modules",     "es6.parameters",     "es6.properties.computed",     "es6.properties.shorthand",     "es6.spread",     "es6.templateLiterals",     "es7.asyncFunctions",     "es7.trailingFunctionCommas",     "es7.objectRestSpread",     "es7.classProperties",     "es7.decorators",     "flow",     "react",     "react.displayName",     "regenerator"   ] }

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