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pithyUpload is a lightweight and cross-browser jQuery file upload plugin used to asynchronously upload specified types of files into your web server via AJAX.

uploader upload



jQuery Ajax File uploader with progress bar, and Compatible with IE browser of lower version via iframe. Demo page: www.ashin.space/pithyUpload

I have recently been in a project using javascript asynchronous file uploader. However, plugins searched in internet are neithor compatible with IE nor convenient in use. Moreover, these plugins are dependent on HTML/CSS settings excessively that logic and views are mixed. Therefore, I write this plugin which is neat(only 3KB) and compatible(support down to IE8).

Basic use


<script src="http://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.pithyUpload.js"></script> ... <input type="file" name="pithyUpload" id="pithyUpload" multiple="multiple">


$(function() { 	$('#pithyUpload').pithyUpload({ 		trigger: 'change',  		dataType: 'text',  		allowedTypes: ["gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "bmp", "png"], 		maxFiles: 8, 		maxFileSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, 		extData: { 			userid: 'gaoxin', 			userpwd: '19931030' 		}, 		onNewFile: function(file) { 			console.log('new file:', file.name || file); 		}, 		onComplete: function(data) { 			if (data) 				console.log('ie complete', data); 			else 				console.log('complete'); 		}, 		onUploadProgress: function(file, percent) { 			console.log(file.name, percent); 		}, 		onUploadSuccess: function(file, data, status, xhr) { 			console.log(file.name, 'success - ', data); 		}, 		onUploadError: function(file, xhr, status, err) { 			console.log(file.name, 'error - ', status); 		}, 		onFileTypeError: function(file) { 			console.log('file type error', file); 		}, 		onFileSizeError: function(file) { 			console.log('file size error', file); 		}, 		onFilesMaxError: function(file) { 			console.log('files max error', file); 		} 	}) });


Default settings

{ 	//properties 	url: document.URL,//ajax url 	method: 'POST',//ajax type 	extData: {},//extra data 	maxFileSize: null,//null or number 	maxFiles: null,//null or number 	allowedTypes: null,//null or array(eg. ['jpg', 'doc']) 	dataType: 'json',//ajax dataType 	fileName: 'pithyUpload',//input[name=fileName] 	trigger: null,//null or 'change' 	//callbacks - if IE, only onNewFile, onComplete 	onNewFile: function () { }, 	onComplete: function () { }, 	onUploadProgress: function () { }, 	onUploadSuccess: function () { }, 	onUploadError: function () { }, 	onFileTypeError: function () { }, 	onFileSizeError: function () { }, 	onFilesMaxError: function () { } }


if under IE10, only onComplete and on onNewfile will be called


if trigger is 'change', onChange() event will be binded and the usage is like the demo.html;

if trigger is null, no event will be binded, then the usage should be:

$(function(){ 	$('#pithyUpload').change(function(){ 		$(this).pithyUpload({ /* ... */ }); 	}); 	//or  	$('#submitButton').click(function(){ 		$('#pithyUpload').pithyUpload({ /* ... */ }); 	}); });

so trigger events and input elements are separated.


The extra data to be submited. Every key in extData will be translated to "key=extData[key]" or < input type="hidden" name="key" value="extData[key]" >.

onNewFile(file, opts)

Fires before every file uploading

  • this - refers to input document object (other callbacks are the same)
  • file {javascript file object} - refers to the file to be submit
  • opts {pithyUpload user settings} - you can modify opts.fileName and opts.extData before uploading

if under IE10, 'file' refers to the file name(string) and no 'opts' are passed


Fires when all file are uploaded either successly or abortively

if under IE10, data will be passed as arguments which refers to the data returned by server

onUploadProgress(file, percent)

Fires if the browser support onProgress() event, which is the API of progress bar

  • percent {number} - the percentage of uploaded data

onUploadSuccess(file, data, textStatus, xhr)

Fires when every single file is uploaded

  • data {ajax data} - data returned by server
  • textStatus {ajax textStatus} - request status
  • xhr {ajax XMLHttpRequest} - jQuery ajax object

onUploadError(file, xhr, textStatus, errorThrown)

Fires when every single file is uploaded abortively

  • errorThrown {javascript error object}


Fires when file type error


Fires when file size is greater than maxFileSize


Fires when the number of files is greater than maxFiles

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