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Slide Social Buttons are a fun way to display your social media buttons.These buttons are inspired by the Supersteil blog but instead of using jQuery for the animation, they use CSS transforms &amp transitions.Features:Uses CSS transforms & transitions.Uses Icon Fonts, perfect for retina displays.Degrades gracefully for IE 8 – 9 & touch devices.It’s responsive!

CSS Responsive


Slide Social Buttons

Slide Social Buttons are a fun way to display your social media buttons.

The buttons are inspired by the Supersteil blog but instead of using jQuery for the animation, they use CSS transforms & transitions.

Feel free to let me know if you use Slide Social Buttons in one of your websites.

View Demo


  • Uses CSS transforms & transitions.
  • Uses Font Icons, perfect for retina displays.
  • It's responsive!



Include Font Awesome and the Slide Social CSS in your header.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/your/css/slide-social-buttons.css">

Pick and choose which social buttons you wish to use, be sure to add the appropriate like/tweet/+1 markup and JS as required.

<div class="slide-social">     <div class="ss-button">     	<!-- Place FB Like Button Here -->     </div>     <div class="facebook-bg ss-icon">         <i class="fa fa-facebook"></i>     </div>     <div class="facebook-bg ss-slide"><p>like</p></div> </div>

You can find the markup for additional social buttons in the demo file (index.html).

Browser Compatibility

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari (9+)
  • Chrome (Android 6+)
  • Safari (iOS 9+)

Version History

2.0.2 (2016-06-08)

  • Added fix for touch devices.
  • Removed unused styles.

2.0.1 (2016-06-04)

! Hid dividing line when cover has slid away . Made .slide-social background very transparent black instead of light gray . Replaced remaining tab characters with four spaces 

2.0 (2015-01-04)

! Blue Husky Studios refined it to work better as a plugin to an existing site. 	- REMOVED IE8 COMPATIBILITY - now designed for evergreen browsers. 	+ Created branding (icon and logo), added in ./branding/ 	! Updated Font Awesome requirement to 4.x 	! Removed requirement for Modernizr.js 	+ Added .tumblr-bg 	! Removed need for .ss-slide p element 	- Removed rule that never showed Twitter backup "Tweet" link 	! Implemented calc() positioning when possible 	. Changed px to em where possible 	. Moved white line from left of .ss-slide p to right of .ss-icon 	! Implemented absolute positioning on .ss-slide instead of float 	. Changed .ss-button positioning from pixels to percents 	. Changed .ss-button positioning from margin-based to top- and left- based 	. Reformatted documentation to fit Blue Husky standards 	+ Added the 'ss-' prefix to any generic class name 	! Made .slide-social relative so internal buttons don't align with another positioned ancestor 	! Gave .ss-slide a 2-second return delay so button is still uncovered when clicking in IE. 


  • Inital release

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