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A really simple jQuery plugin to create a sticky header navigation that automatically adds a CSS class (sticky-header) to the nav menu as you scroll past it.



Simple Sticky Header

A really simple jQuery script for adding a sticky class to the header on scroll.

simple-sticky-header.js works by adding a CSS class to the target once the window has been scrolled past it.
It also removes the class if you scroll back up.

Live demo


Download and include simple-sticky-header.min.js in your document after including jQuery.

<script src="path/to/jquery.min.js></script> <script src="path/to/simple-sticky-header.js"></script>


Simply call the plugin on the header.


The default class that gets added to the target is sticky-header.
This can be changed by passing an option to the plugin.

$("#sticky-header").simpleStickyHeader({     class: "your-class" });

Make sure you have a CSS class for the sticky header.
Here's basic CSS for making it sticky:

.sticky-header {     position: fixed;     top: 0;     left: 0; }

by Olof Enström

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