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StickyComponent is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for making any elements sticky on page scroll that will be auto disabled on small screen devices.

Sticky sticky-navigation


Menu / Sticky element

Simple jQuery plugin to rotate text, rotate images (banners), or any other html.


Option Description Default
topoffset in px from top in sticky mode 75
triggertop window top trigger (px) 150
startselector use a selector as a start point undefined
activeclass class added to element when active fg-sticky-active
bottomoffset position it stops 75
removesize media query to remove logic 990
stopselector element where to stop sticky footer


    $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.active', function(e, global, wtop){         // event to indicate component is in sticky mode pass event, plugin globals, $(window).scrollTop()         ...     })          $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.normal', function(e, global, wtop){         // event to indicate component is in normal mode pass event, plugin globals, $(window).scrollTop()         ...     })     $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.bottom', function(e, global, wtop){         // event to indicate component has hit bottom.         ...     })        


Add to head of your html document

<script type="text/javascript" src="stickycomponent.min.js"></script>

Add your html markup

<html>    <head>       <script type="text/javascript" src="stickycomponent.min.js"></script>    </head>     <body>        <div class="content">        	<div class="container">        		<div class="row">        			<div class="col-sm-8">        				<h1>Sticky Component</h1>        			</div>        			<div class="col-sm-4" style="position: relative">        				<div class="sidebarbox">        					sidebar        				</div>        			</div>        		</div>       		        	</div>        </div>    <footer></footer>    </body> </html>

Add javascript code for calling the Rotator.

<script type="text/javascript">    $(function(){        $('.sidebarbox').fgStickyComponent({            topoffset: 100,            triggertop: $('.content').offset().top        })                 // might need fix for safari browser, basically takes left of parent component when in fixed mode.          $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.active', function(e, globals, wtop){              var left = $(this).parent().parent().position().left +15;				              $(this).css({'left': left+'px'});				          })          $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.moving', function(e, globals, wtop){              var left = $(this).parent().parent().position().left +15;				              $(this).css({'left': left+'px'});				          })	          $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.bottom', function(e, globals, wtop){		              $(this).css({'left': 'inherit'});				          })          $('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.normal', function(e, globals, wtop){              $(this).css({'left': 'inherit'});				          });	    }) </script>

Errata or Issues

If you find and issues please fill out an Issues request https://github.com/sturple/StickyComponent/issues

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