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Sticky Footer Bar is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin helps you stick your footer bar to the bottom of the web page as you scroll down.




What it does

This little jQuery-plugin displays the footer of a website fixed on the bottom of the screen. When you scroll down to its actual position the footer is put back in the context, so it scrolls together with the rest.

Have a look the project website which is also a example page to understand what I mean.

How to use


<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.11.0.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.stickyfooterbar.js"></script> 

to the header of your document and run the plugin with


The function takes two optional parameter

  1. a number, string or jQuery-object, that defines the height of the footer bar which will be displayed
  2. a CSS class (given as string) that is added to the footer, if it is in "sticky"-mode (default: 'sticky')

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