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A minimal, clean, jQuery based HTML5 audio player plugin which allows you to split the audio into several chapters (great for long songs and audiobooks).



jQuery SimpleAudioPlayer Plugin

A simple, plug-and-play jQuery Audioplayer Plugin for songs and audiobooks.


Clone the repository and install the npm dependencies

$ git clone https://github.com/dradl/jquery-simpleaudioplayer.git $ npm install



After including jQuery, include the minified CSS and JS-Files.

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="dist/js/jquery.simpleaudioplayer.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/simpleaudioplayer.min.css">

To instanciate the Plugin, call .simpleAudioPlayer() when the DOM is ready to transform any HTML5 <audio> Element into a SimpleAudioPlayer Instance.

$(document).ready(function() { 	$('audio').simpleAudioPlayer(); });

Simply calling .simpleAudioPlayer() appends no custom title to the song you're playing. To set a title, use either the data-title attribute on the <audio> Element or bind it to the options-object like that:

<audio id="myAudio" src="song.mp3" data-title="The Beatles - Blackbird"></audio>


$('audio').simpleAudioPlayer({ 	title: "The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps" });


SimpleAudioPlayer is made for long songs, symphonies or audiobooks. To use a list of chapters, declare them in the options-object by using a title and the position of the chapter (in seconds):

$('#a1').simpleAudioPlayer({ 	title: "The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps", 	chapters: [ 		{ 			"seconds": 30, 			"title": "<strong>Chapter 1:</strong> The Beginning" 		}, 		{ 			"seconds": 63, 			"title": "<strong>Chapter 2:</strong> The Middle-Part" 		}, 		{ 			"seconds": 79, 			"title": "<strong>Chapter 3:</strong> The Peak" 		}, 		{ 			"seconds": 120, 			"title": "<strong>Chapter 4:</strong> The End" 		} 	] });

Now the chapters-list is available in the player.

Public methods

There are some public functions available, if you want to bind them to objects outside of SimpleAudioPlayer.

// instanciate the plugin var myPlayer = simpleAudioPlayer();  // jump by number of seconds (positive or negative) myPlayer.jumpBy(offset)  // jump to a specific position (second) myPlayer.jumpTo(seconds)  // fadeOut [duration] seconds long myPlayer.fadeOut(duration)  // fadeOut [duration] seconds long after [offset] seconds myPlayer.fadeOutAfterSeconds(duration, offset)  // fadeOut [duration] seconds long after chapter [chapter] myPlayer.fadeOutAfterChapter(duration, chapter)  // fadeOut [duration] seconds long after [percentage] percent myPlayer.fadeOutAfterPercent(duration, percentage)


Copyright 2018, Dominik Radl.

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


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