Simple and clean calendar written in Vue.js. See it in action here.
Select single date
Select range of dates
npm install vuelendar@1.0.0
Import styles in your .vue file:
<style src="vuelendar/scss/vuelendar.scss" lang="scss"></style>
Register components:
import VRangeSelector from 'vuelendar/components/vl-range-selector'; import VDaySelector from 'vuelendar/components/vl-day-selector'; export default { components: { VRangeSelector, VDaySelector }, data () { return { range: {}, date: null } } // ... }
Use in template:
<v-range-selector :start-date.sync="range.start" :end-date.sync="range.end" /> <v-day-selector v-model="date" />
Disabling dates
Vuelendar allows two ways for disabling dates.
Using an array:
<v-day-selector v-model="date" disabled-dates="['2019-04-21', '2019-04-25'] /> Will disable 21st April 2019 and 25th April 2019
Using an object to describe a range of dates:
<v-day-selector v-model="date" disabled-dates="{ from: '2019-04-21', to: '2019-04-23' }" /> Will disable all dates from 21st April 2019 and 25th April 2019
Specifying only 'from' attribute will disable all dates past that date.
<v-day-selector v-model="date" disabled-dates="{ from: '2019-04-21', }" /> Will disable all dates from 21st April 2019
Specifying only 'to' attribute will disable all dates before that date.
<v-day-selector v-model="date" disabled-dates="{ to: '2019-04-21', }" /> Will disable all dates before 21st April 2019