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LoopSlider is a lightweight JavaScript / HTML5 slider plugin used to rotate through an unlimited amount of images in a fully responsive and customizable carousel UI.

Carousel Content-slider



jQuery plugin for creating a responsive slider with infinite loop support. Demo page

Basic Usage

Load the jQuery and LoopSlider plugin's files on the page. Requires jQuery 1.12.0 or higher, dosen't work with the slim build.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../loopslider.css"> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="../jquery.loopslider.js"></script>

Wrap the HTML elements in a DIV container.

<div class="slider-container"> 	<figure> 		<img src="images/i1.jpg" alt=""> 		<figcaption class="caption">Image caption 1</figcaption> 	</figure> 	<figure> 		<img src="images/i2.jpg" alt=""> 		<figcaption class="caption">Image caption 2</figcaption> 	</figure> 	<figure> 		<img src="images/i3.jpg" alt=""> 		<figcaption class="caption">Image caption 3</figcaption> 	</figure> </div>

Call the plugin with basic settings

$(function(){ 	$('.slider-container').loopslider({ 		autoplay: true 		,visibleItems: 1 		,step: 1 		,pagination: true 	}); });

Parallax mode

Set your images as background of slide elements

<div class="slider-container"> 	<figure style="background-image: url(images/ih1.jpg); min-height: 300px;"> 		<figcaption class="card-body">Image caption 1</figcaption> 	</figure> 	<figure style="background-image: url(images/ih2.jpg); min-height: 300px;"> 		<figcaption class="card-body">Image caption 2</figcaption> 	</figure> 	<figure style="background-image: url(images/ih3.jpg); min-height: 300px;"> 		<figcaption class="card-body">Image caption 3</figcaption> 	</figure> </div>

Call the plugin with parallax setting

$(function(){ 	$('.slider-container').loopslider({ 		visibleItems: 1 		,pagination: true 		,navigation: true 		,parallax: { 			/*  			 * Selector for an element which contains background image. 			 * '>*' is default value and corresponds to a root slide element 			 */ 			e: '>*' 			/*  			 * Index of background shift (1 is default). 			 * Might be in range from 0.1 to 1  			 */ 			,index: .8 		} 	}); });

Available settings

$('.slider-container').loopslider({ 	visibleItems: 3 // Amount for slides showing in window at once 	,step: 1 // Amount of slides scrolling each time 	,gap: 30 // Margin between each slide (in px) 	,slideDuration: 400 // Slide transition duration (in ms) 	,easing: 'swing' // "swing" or "linear", more easing jqueryui.com/easing/ 	,autoplay: false // Auto play slides 	,autoplayInterval: 3000 // Delay between slides 	,stopOnHover: false // Stop slideshow on mouse over 	,touchSupport: true // Handling swipe gestures 	,responsive: { 		480: {visibleItems: 1,step: 1} 		,760: {visibleItems: 3,step: 3} 		,1000: {visibleItems: 4,step: 3} 	} 	,fullscreen: false //If true sets the height of the slides equal of a viewport height 	,parallax: null 	 	// Controls 	,pagination: true 	,navigation: true // prev and next buttons 	,prevButton: '#prev' // CSS selector for element used to populate the "Prev" control 	,nextButton: '#next' // CSS selector for element used to populate the "Next" control 	,stopButton: '#stop' // CSS selector for element used to populate the "Stop" control 	,playButton: '#play' // CSS selector for element used to populate the "Play" control 	 	// Callbacks 	,onStop: function(){ /* your code here */ } 	,onPlay: function(){ /* your code here */ } 	,onMove: function(index, $element, direction){ /* your code here */ } });


Copyright (c) 2018 Pavel Khoroshkov. Licensed under the MIT license.

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