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Just another jQuery plugin that provides a simplest way to make any Html elements (navigation, sidebar, table header) stick to the top of the webpage while scrolling.




jquery-keepinsight stops the selected elements scrolling past the top of the page so they continue to stay in sight.

The plugin can be used to keep your main header on screen at all times, and to keep table headers around while you scan through the associated data - the result is similar to 'freezing' rows in a spreadsheet. Multiple elements can be kept in sight, so you can do all of the above in the same page, should you wish; multiple 'sticky' elements will stack-up as you scroll down the page.


You can find working examples of the following in tests/.

The gibberish text appearing in the examples was generated using RandomTextGenerator.com.


Make your main header 'stick' to the top of the page when you scroll down:


Table Headers

Keep a table's header around when you scroll down through its body:

jQuery('table thead').keepInSight();

Yes, the plugin requires that your table markup includes thead and tbody elements.

Multiple Elements

'Stick' your main header and thead elements when you scroll down:

jQuery('header, table thead').keepInSight();


The plugin adds the class keepinsight-clone to the elements that stay in sight - these are clones of the targetted elements.

thead elements are not cloned as-is: the clone of a thead is a copy of the table it resides in minus its tbody. The plugin does this to ensure the formatting of the thead is preserved.


Install using Bower, thus:

bower install jquery-keepinsight

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