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A simple, lightweight, horizontal/vertical swiper component for Vue.js 2+ apps.

Carousel _Slider


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vue swiper for vue 2.0. light weight and simple


basic demo


npm install vue-light-swiper --save-dev 


import Vue from 'vue' import VueSwiper from 'vue-light-swiper'  new Vue({     el: 'body',     components: {         vueSwiper: VueSwiper.vueSwiper,         vueSwiperSlide: VueSwiper.vueSwiperSlide     },     methods: {         slideChange(index, oldIndex){             console.log('showIndexChange:', index, oldIndex);         },     } });
<vue-swiper indicators @slide-change="slideChange">     <vue-swiper-slide>Page 1</vue-swiper-slide>     <vue-swiper-slide>Page 2</vue-swiper-slide>     <vue-swiper-slide>Page 3</vue-swiper-slide> </vue-swiper>

Usage in ssr

import {vueSwiper, vueSwiperSlide} from 'vue-light-swiper/src';

Use lazyload

<vue-swiper uselazyload :preload="1">     <vue-swiper-slide class="swiper-item" :key="item.src" v-for="(item, index) in bannerList">         <img class="lazy" :data-src="item.src">     </vue-swiper-slide> </vue-swiper>



Name Type Default Description
showIndex Number 0 Set the swiper item show index, can use .sync modifier.
auto Number 0 Set the swiper autoplay interval time, unit ms.
defaultDuration Number 300 Set the swiper defaultDuration for transitionDuration, unit ms.
loop Boolean false Set whether you need swiper loop.
vertical Boolean false Set whether you need a vertical swiper.
indicators Boolean false Set whether you need indicators.
limit Number 20 Set the limit of swiper slide change, unit px.
uselazyload Boolean false Set whether use lazyload.
preload Number 0 Set lazyload preload number.
baseWidth Number 0 Set swiper base width, unit px. (default width is swiper's width, but when you init a swiper with invisible, default width can not be set right, you need set base width in this time.)
baseHeight Number 0 Set swiper base height, unit px. (need when vertical, default height is swiper's height, but when you init a swiper with invisible, default height can not be set right, you need set base height in this time.)
baseSizeDom String、dom `` Set swiper base width and height with a dom or a selector.(priority is lower than baseWidth and baseHeight)


Name Parameters Description
slide-change index, oldIndex Fire when the slide changed .
slide-end index Fire when the slide animation end .



Copyright (c) 2017-present, zhengjiaqi

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