modal.js is a jQuery modal popup plugin that uses CSS3 transitions for the smooth animations and supports any html contents such as text, images, videos and more.
Basic jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Mirekbenes Modal
Simple HTML5 Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - h5-lightbox
Simple jQuery Modal & Dialog Box Plugin - Dialog
Minimal Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin - Pop Up Window
Simple jQuery Any Content Lightbox Plugin - jLightbox
Clean and Powerful jQuery Lightbox Plugin - ClassyLightbox
jQuery Plugin For Scrollable Modal Dialog - Long Dialog
Responsive Flexible jQuery Modal Plugin - flexModal
Simple Clean jQuery Scrollable Modal Dialog Plugin - Tiny Modal
Creating A Simple Animated Modal with jQuery and jQuery UI - ModalWindow
Lightweight & Easy jQuery Lightbox Plugin - WS Lightbox
Simple and Highly Configurable jQuery Modal Window Plugin - smartModal
Lightweight Responsive jQuery & CSS3 Modal Plugin - LiteBox
Light & Animated jQuery Modal Window Plugin - JUI Modals
Bootstrap Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
Minimal jQuery Fading Modal Popup Plugin - Poppy
Simple Clean jQuery Modal Plugin with CSS3 Animations
Responsive & Auto-Centering Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - egrModal
jQuery Plugin For Popup Windows In A Specific Area - Area Popup
Fashion Responsive jQuery Lightbox Gallery Plugin - cm-overlay.js
Animated & Responsive Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3 - Expose Modal
jQuery Plugin For Creating Customizable Modal Popups - Flythat
Responsive Ajax Modal Box Plugin with jQuery - Nice Modal
Fully Responsive & Customizable jQuery Modal Plugin - PgwModal
jQuery Plugin For Smart Exit Pop Behaviour - Exit Popup
Simple jQuery Popup Plugin with Easing Effects - Infobox
Basic Responsive jQuery Popup Winwos Plugin - maskui
Create A 3D Perspective Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
Versatile & Flexible jQuery Lightbox/Modal Plugin - Popup
jQuery Plugin To Create A Full Page Sliding Panel - Slide Over
Easy Semantic Modal Window Plugin For jQuery - semanticwp
Lightweight Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery - quickModal
Simple Modal Window with Blurred Background Using jQuery and CSS3
Fullscreen jQuery Modal Box with Button Morph Animation
jQuery Plugin For Popup Window with Morphing Button - Morph Button
Minimalist jQuery Modal Windows Plugin - Overlay
Easy jQuery Modal Dialog Box Plugin - dialog.js
Stylish Animated Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
Quick & Simple LightBox Plugin For jQuery - Boxer
Minimal Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - modal.js
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Modal Window Plugin
Simple Adaptive Popup Window Plugin with jQuery - MiniPopup
Modal-Like Sliding Panel with jQuery and CSS3
Super Simple Modal Popups with jQuery and CSS3 Transitions
Google-Style Photo Wall Gallery Plugin For jQuery - photowall
SimpleModal - Beautiful Popup Window Plugin
Super Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - Overlay
Create Multi-level Bootstrap Modals Using jQuery Submodal.js
Basic Modal & Popup Plugin with jQuery - stepframemodal
Animated Fullscreen Modal Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Modalica
Simple Responsive jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin - Baze Modal
Simple jQuery UI & jQuery Mobile Message Box Plugin
Minimal Responsive Gallery Lightbox Plugin with jQuery - iLightbox
Lightweight jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - bPopup
Simple Sliding Modal Window Plugin with jQuery - cosyModal
Modal Style Alert Dialog Plugin For jQuery - c_alert
Minimal AJAX Modal/Lightbox Plugin with jQuery
Simple Lightweight Modal Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - uiblock
jQuery & GSAP Based Modal Window with Motion Blur Effect
Basic Responsive Modal Popup Plugin with jQuery - simplePopup
Customizable Popup Notification Plugin with jQuery - pop.js
Minimal Modal Dialog Box Plugin with jQuery - Dialogbox
Simple Alert Dialog Box Plugin For jQuery - al.js
CSS3 Animated Custom Alert Box Plugin For jQuery - WOW Alert
Creating A Image Viewer with Descriptions Like Facebook - jQuery FBPhotoBox
Morphing Material Design Modal with jQuery and CSS3
Simple Pretty jQuery Message Box Plugin - messageBox
Simple Plain jQuery Modal Plugin - Lalien Modal Window
Lightweight Responsive jQuery Modal Popup Plugin - modality
Simple Themable Dialog Popup Plugin For jQuery - basicPopup