jDialog is a jQuery plugin for modal dialog. By using this plugin, You can create interesting dialogs easily. It works in all modern browsers. Tested with jQuery 2.2+, file size is under 1KB, MIT Licensed.
First include the plugin file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jdialog.min.css"> <script src="path/to/jdialog.min.js"><script>
Then, define a dialog and a button to trigger it
<button data-toggle="JDialog" data-target="dialog">CLICK ME</button> <div class="jDialog" id="dialog"> // your dialog code here </div>
Finally, init your dialog.
$("#dialog").jDialog({ skinClassName: 'demo', // add your custom class to the dialog allowOverlay: true, // whether to show overlay, default true animationType: 'fade-in', // select how to animate the dialog // try 'fade-in', 'sticky-up', 'slide-in' and 'flip' });