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Awesomodals is a lightweight jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to create a 3D flipping modal window using CSS3 transitions and transforms.



version madewith


Simple modal / dialog system, with all you need for basic usage. Light and customizable!


If you use Bower, you can use its install method

$ bower install jquery-awesomodals

Or you can just manually download the files on github.


First thing first, call the awesomodals method on a general container of your website (or directly on body).



Option Valeur par défaut Valeurs possibles Description
debug false bool Allow debug messages to be shown if set to true
selectorOpen '[data-modal-init]' data-* attribute, class or any way to target an element -
selectorClose '[data-modal-cose]' string: data-* attribute, class or any way to target an element -
selectorModal '[data-modal-item]' string: data-* attribute, class or any way to target an element -
itemOverlay '.dialog-overlay' string: any way to target an element (class, id, etc.) -
classActive 'dialog--active' string Class name for the active modal
optionOverlayActive true bool Enable or not the clickable overlay to close the modal
onModalOpened null function callback Fires after a modal is opened
onModalClosed null function callback Fires after a modal is closed

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